Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Molecular Logic of Smell essays

The Molecular Logic of Smell essays Organisms possess a remarkable ability to detect smells in the environment through the olfactory system. This system originates in the olfactory epithelium, in the nasal cavity. It is made up of three main cell types: the olfactory receptor cells, supporting cells, and basal cells. Olfactory receptor cells are neurons, and send axons directly into the central nervous system. The supporting cells do not pass information - they produce mucus. Basal cells are the source of new olfactory receptor cells, which grow, die and regenerate over a period of 4 to 8 weeks. Small molecules present in the air become dissolved in the mucus lining the nasal cavity. Olfactory receptor cells send dendrites up to the mucus layer. Cilia extend into the mucus, where odorants can bind to the surface and activate the olfactory receptor cells. Olfactory receptor cells send unmyelinated axons by the first cranial nerve into the olfactory bulb. The molecules bind to cilia and activate olfactory receptor cells. Olfactory receptor nerve cells connect with nerves in the olfactory bulb. More nerves connect the olfactory tract to the thalamus. Thalamic pathways then extend to the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. Direct connections are also made between the olfactory bulb and the olfactory cortex. The mammalian genome contains a family of about 1000 related but separate genes encoding different odor receptors. (But only 40% of these are functional in humans.) The olfactory epithelium of rats expresses several hundred genes not expressed in other tissues. Gene probes for a single type of receptor bind to only 1 in a 1000 sensory neurons in a normal olfactory epithelium. However, rats that express a single type of receptor in large numbers of their olfactory neurons tend to respond much more vigorously to a single type of odorant than to any of the others tested. This article continues to leave the questions in mind. How does the olfactory cortex decode t ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tempted by Addictive Shows Heres Why to Avoid Them.

Tempted by Addictive Shows Heres Why to Avoid Them. Last Wednesday afternoon, I received a thought-provoking promotional insert along with my ATT phone bill. It reads: HBO INCLUDED FOR LIFE* ATT unlimited wireless plans come with entertaining movies and addictive shows on HBO. ® I interrupted my housemate’s lunch with my expression of shock: â€Å"Can you believe this? ATT is promoting addictiveness as a reason to get HBO?!! Shouldn’t that be a reason to stay away?† Personally, I have avoided purchasing DIRECTV and such because I am extremely susceptible to binge watching. I’m fine if I don’t start watching, but as soon as I do, I’m hooked. Therefore, the word â€Å"addictive† turns me off. I don’t want it. Do you want to be addicted? Take this 2-question survey. I’m curious. How would you answer these questions? (function(t,e,s,n){var o,a,c;t.SMCX=t.SMCX||[],e.getElementById(n)||(o=e.getElementsByTagName(s),a=o[o.length-1],c=e.createElement(s),c.type="text/javascript",c.async=!0,c.id=n,c.src=["https:"===location.protocol?"https://":"https://","widget.surveymonkey.com/collect/website/js/tRaiETqnLgj758hTBazgd4HXOA_2BAL8aRSL3LZJKxLaJ9EoTH45eK6fxmvPGgncNd.js"].join(""),a.parentNode.insertBefore(c,a))})(window,document,"script","smcx-sdk"); Drug Marketing vs. TV Marketing Historically, companies have attempted to promote products based on the claim that the products are NOT addictive. Perhaps the most apt example is the marketing of OxyContin, a drug introduced in 1996 by Purdue Pharma, which has become famous for its addictive properties. A 2009 paper in the American Journal of Public Health, The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin: Commercial Triumph, Public Health Tragedy, points out that â€Å"a consistent feature in the promotion and marketing of OxyContin was a systematic effort to minimize the risk of addiction in the use of opioids for the treatment of †¦ pain.† This misrepresentation resulted in successful lawsuits against Purdue to the tune of $634 million. Can you imagine a drug company’s promoting a painkiller with â€Å"It comes with highly addictive properties!†? Probably not. Most people would choose a different drug. At least my phone company and HBO will not be sued for misrepresentation. They own the addictive nature of the TV and video â€Å"drug† straight out. But why would addiction be a selling point? To investigate more, I researched the phenomenon of â€Å"Netflix Addition,† which runs rampant and is growing with every season. It turns out that binge-watching shows like those on Netflix releases fairly substantial amounts of the pleasurable neurotransmitter, dopamine. And the sense of accomplishment from finishing an episode, or a season, releases another pleasurable neurotransmitter, serotonin. The combination is a sure recipe for addiction. The Perils of TV Addiction Why is this pleasurable cycle a problem? Sleep Deprivation Well, for one thing, it makes us spend more time than we know we can reasonably afford to spend watching TV. We say we will stop and then we don’t, often staying up until the wee hours of the morning. As if this sleep deprivation weren’t enough, the light from the shows can boost serotonin and make us feel wide awake, thus decreasing the quality of any sleep we do get. Relationship Strain We frequently ignore calls from friends and family when we’re in the middle of a show or a binge, thus missing out on real connections and distancing people we love. Maybe we even lie to them about how much we’re watching. In actuality, watching shows is a poor substitute for true emotional connection. But we forget that in our addictive haze. Health Consequences While caught up in addictive shows, we sit for long periods and maybe skip the gym, often eat low-nutrient easy-to-grab foods, and maybe even forgo basic self-care because somehow watching just a few more minutes of that show seems more important. Career Blocker – Don’t let this happen to you! Netflix, Amazon or HBO addiction is not conducive to top workplace performance or a successful job search. In addition to not sleep deprivation, there is a part of your brain that will be occupied with wanting to get back to that show you were watching instead of focusing on your job or other important tasks. If you find yourself indulging, how about taking a week off from all those so carefully crafted addictive shows that suck your attention and time? During that week, track whether you sleep more, whether your focus and job performance improve, and whether you stop avoiding the true priorities in your life. If you’re a job seeker, consider this: Getting a blast of dopamine and serotonin with the simple push of a button might seem like more fun than rewriting your resume or LinkedIn profile, but the results you’ll get are ultimately unsatisfying at best, and harmful at worst. While you might enjoy a temporary blast from that next episode of Stranger Things, doing something positive for your long-term goals will ultimately be way more fulfilling. 🙂 Log in to Reply

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CRITIQUE OF RESEARCH ARTICLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

CRITIQUE OF RESEARCH ARTICLE - Essay Example nd Luker should be considered as quite valuable towards the explanation of the role of clinical practice in the provision of quality care to people that are dying (Hinds et al., 2005). More specifically, the above paper focuses on the challenges related with the provision of end of life (EOL) care in acute hospitals across UK. The role of these challenges to the development of specific requirements by the patients and their relatives is also examined. The particular study is mainly based on the following two research methods: observation and interviews (qualitative research). The data collected by the above research are then analyzed and evaluated in order to be used to the formulation of appropriate assumptions regarding the conditions of the provision of EOL care in acute hospitals in UK – these data and the assumptions that follow can be also used in any similar clinical environment taking into account the fact that in the particular area of practice the differentiations am ong hospitals around the world cannot be many (Vickers et al., 2004). For this reason, the study of Willard and Luker can be used as a valuable tool for the evaluation of any similar condition in the clinical practice. It should be also noticed that the writers have chosen to base their research on a ground theory approach trying to identify the data that would be valuable for the evaluation of conditions related with the specific clinical practice area. The specific study should be considered as an excellent base for the identification of any problems related with the provision of EOL care, taking into account the fact that in the research made for purposes of the specific study a significant number of patients with cancer (approximately 73) has participated. The above number represents the patients that accepted to participate in observation; patients that actually gave an interview were estimated to 17. Moreover, a significant number of clinical practitioners (in a relevant hospi tal

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Market System and the Circular Flow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Market System and the Circular Flow - Essay Example The idea of the invisible hand suggests that when competition is assumed, public and private interests coincides. The visible hand also suggests that if the profits of the firms are maximized, the society’s output would in return be maximized. The visible hand theory has two main virtues in the marketing system where it creates room for economic freedom and allocates resources effectively and efficiently. The invisible hand theory also suggests that it is individual’s motivation that drives the growth and development of the economy. EcoCommerce101 suggests that invisible hand theory should the concept of transaction among two individuals. The generated information is absorbed by the two economic participants, therefore, allowing proper allocation of resources. Individuals will always try to produce and provide best goods and services that the people are willing and able to buy; therefore, promoting the interests of the society (Basu, 2010). Meanwhile, the government is also responsible in regulating the types of businesses to be established in a certain region to avoid congestion. The government uses the idea of imposing high taxes to its resources. Conclusively, it does not mean invisible hand is only beneficial t o the economy, but the participants might also experience

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How War Is Necessary Essay Example for Free

How War Is Necessary Essay War has been with mankind for many millenniums. The reasons for wars in mankind’s history have all been various, however one big reason for war is that countries want to grow bigger, by taking over one another. Throughout history, rulers would not be satisfied with the amount of land that they had or wanted to spread their beliefs around the world. So, they did it by trying to take over others. However, some didn’t want to give up their land or change, so they fought. Fighting these wars are, however, necessary no matter what people believe. This is because fighting them and winning will stop them from controlling others. Some wars that stopped countries from controlling others are the second world war, the war in Vietnam, and the Revolutionary war. However, there are claims that the Vietnam war could’ve been avoided, but there would’ve been consequences for going to war. War is necessary because it’s a way to try to stop countries from dominating over others and controlling them. There are many ways that war has stopped countries from controlling one another. Firstly, the Vietnamese war was necessary because, the war would’ve stopped the spreading of communism to neighboring asian countries, also known as the â€Å"domino theory†. The idea of communism started with the election of Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam. Kennedy wasn’t concerned with Vietnam until Lyndon B Johnson called Ngo Dinh Diem the â€Å"Winston Churchill of Asia† because, Diem was the only one trying to resist the communists and Johnson promised to help him. Noam Chomsky, a US philosopher, stated that if a country better its economy due to communism, neighboring countries would try to improve their economy using communism, as seen when China influenced North Vietnam. Had communism been successfully spread to South Vietnam, then Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. Also, other countries would’ve lost faith in the US for not protecting S.Vietnam in their time of need. This shows that the US needed to fight this war to stop the communistic ideals from spreading to countries and to keep the confidence of other countries around the world, so that they could help the US when the US needs them. The second world war as necessary becau se, it showed how the world responds to a fascist ruler controlling a major country, trying to claim the world. It also showed how the US would react when attacked by another major country. Hitler want to create a â€Å"master race†, which was blonde-haired, blue-eyed people. So when he came into power, he had convinced the german people that jewish people were less than humans and should be treated as such. Thus he started taking over various countries in Europe and started killing jewish people to start his plan. While that was happening, the US was maintaining neutrality and supplying Britain, Russia, and China with weapons until the japanese attacked pearl harbor on December 1941. The US then declared war on Japan and fought in the Pacific theater until August 15th, 1945. Had the axis powers won World War II, North America and South America would be surrounded by dictators ready to destroy democracy and take over the world. Also, Hitler’s plan would’ve proba bly been completed and the world would’ve been comprised of blonde, blue-eyed people. However, the war told us that when we are concerned with individualism, we become selfish and corrupted or under the influence of corrupted selfish nations. This war was needed because, when one tries to dominate and take over another country, we become blinded and end falling. We need teamwork to stay strong in the world. Finally, the Revolutionary War was necessary because, it allowed rights normally granted by the king, to be for every single individual. It also sparked other revolutions, along with stopping Britian from controlling the colonies. When the French Indian War concluded, King George III made the Proclamation of 1763, which stated that no colonists may settle west of the Appalachian and anyone other than Indians there had to move from the area. The Boston Massacre also brought them closer to the revolution, because British soldiers killed 5 civilians for calling them names. The Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Act of 1767, and the Tea Act of 1773, were all attempt of Britian to try and control the colonies in North America. However after the war, the Declaration of Independence was signed and Britian let the colonies rule themselves. With this newfound freedom, the colonists were allowed to trade with anyone they wanted, colonize past the Appalachian Mountains, set up a new government and th e British moved out of the colonies. Had the colonists lost the war, the US would probably still be under British rule to this day. Even with all this evidence that war is necessary, people still see war as a terrible thing. Going back to the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese War could’ve been avoided because the US could’ve stayed neutral and let the problem in Vietnam blow over, instead of sacrificing 50,000 men. The war would’ve been avoided and Vietnam would’ve became a communist country along with possibly, part of Asia. Robert McNamara, defense chief under John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, says that he doubted Vietnam would let China or Russia use them as a base, but that’s the US had feared at the time. The US had feared that China or Russia would use them as a base they could use to control more parts of Asia. The Vietnamese could’ve probably fought the war themselves and probably resisted the communistic ways of China and/or Russia. The belief about if war is needed in the world or not cuts both ways. Either that it helps bring everlasting peace in the world closer or it’s useless and all it does is kill off innocent people. War is a big thing that stops countries from trying to gain total global domination or keeping them at bay until they give up. Until that happens, there will be allies who will attack at a moments notice when a country is trying to bite off more than it can chew.There are so many more examples of how war is necessary in the world that this would be a lot longer than it is already. The concept of war may seem bad, but in the end, it’s all worth it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Circuits :: electronics circuit board

Circuits, what is up with that? First you need to understand how all the parts of a circuit relate. The main thing that a circuit has is conductance and that all the parts are conductors. Conductors are materials in which electric charges move freely. If the material isn't a conductor, it is either a insulator or a semiconductor. Conductors are mainly metalic substances such as copper, aluminum, and gold. Conductors allow a charge to build up and move "freely" through the conductor. When dealing with circuits and the moving of electrons, free movement at the moment is the best movement. I will get to reasons to but a damper on the movement of electrons later. Now, if a conductor allows a charge to build up and move freely, then it should be easy to understand that an insulator is just the opposite, it might build up a charge but that charge isn't going anywhere. Semiconductors is the crossbreed of the other two types. Semiconductors are usually a conducting material that has been "do ped" or has been added to from a insulating material. This makes it so the charges don't want to move as freely but they can still move. Now, just like lightning, charges have a tendency to try to make their way to the earth if they can. This is why if you have a conducting material and connect it to the earth with a wire or something, it is said to be grounded. Grounding is a good thing to do with circuits because if there is too much charge going through a circuit, you don't want it to stay in the circuit and fry everything, grounding a circuit is generally safe. To finish off the idea of the very basic circuit, we know that it allows a charge to build up and move through it, now we need to know that the circuit must be complete. The ending picture of the circuit must make a complete loop so that those charges that like to move have somewhere to allways go. What happens if you hook a wire from one end of a battery to nothing else.....NOTHING. The circuit is not completed therefore the charges can't move off the end of the wire and continue to go. Voltage, Current, and Resistance When working with circuits, the three basic elements to anaylizing the circuit are voltage, current, and resistance. These three readings help you find out all the information you need on how the cicuit will work and they are all related to eachother through Ohm's law which states that Voltage is equal to current times resistance.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Great Power of Hellsberry!

As the chilled whisper of wind hits the side of my face, I realised how dazzling, and inspiring this village I was in, really was. The moon shone brightly and luxurious in the sky. It was like a slice of cheese sitting there, ready for it to be taken, and eaten up whole. The colour of blues in the mid-night atmosphere, made it look like the deep ocean. Gentle and tranquil, it stood there, for people's eyes to gleam up, with the brightest of tones that it revealed to the world. The stars stood out of place, with its glittering and scintillating sparkle of light, like a Christmas tree ready for the blissful times to come in life. The folks looked up and gasped how astonishing the heavens looked, on this crisp and cold night. The gigantic mountains were covered with white gleaming snow. It lay there, waiting for the hands of children to pick it up, and be thrown at one another. The snow as I picked it up, rubbed against the smoothness of my hands. Making them feel bitterly cold, which sent shivers and tingles right through the tips of my fingers. The black night sky looked very gloomy, as the mist disguised the peak of the mountains. The dull mist made the mountains look very icy and dangerous for anyone bidding to enter this treacherous unknown land. It appeared very ‘alien', as you did not know where the sky ended and where the darkness of the land started. The village folk were kept warm as they had their fires alight. The glow from the fires shone through the windows of every house, which reflected a stream of ripples on the surface of the snow, making tiny little crystals glisten and sparkle, just like diamonds. Lanterns glow by the sides of beds, shinning through the rooms, making the village beam with warmth, against the background of the dreary hours of darkness. The eye of the beholder could see how magnificent the snow really was. There was a sign of some kind that was partly rotted, and had been blown down by fierce winds. It was covered in snow, and on the edges icicles had formed. I wondered to myself what this mysterious piece of wood was. I scraped the snow and ice off with my bare hands, and it said Welcome to Hellsberry! The name of this place sounded very familiar, I knew I had heard it before, but where? Then it came into my mind. An old and wise woman once told me about a cave that was near the heart of Hellsberry. A small and mystical cave that lay hidden away in the mountains, near a lake that was frozen all through the year, even in summer. Dead rotting trees lay helpless around the lake, with their brown crinkled leaves blown away by the cold and ferocious winds. No animals strolled through this desolate place any more. It used to be a beautiful and tranquil place. The valley was green and lush, with brightly coloured and sweet smelling flowers which danced happily to the gentle breeze. Here, all types of animals would come and graze on the long green grass, and laze around under the warmth of the sun shinning above. The deep blue river was plentiful with lots of different sized fish. With its fresh clear water slashing against the side of rocks, making ripples as it gently meandered down hill. The waterfall cascaded over rocks, by the side where tropical flowers grew. Deers would stride up to the lake to drink from it, while birds would be flying around, chirping and singing to each other. I wanted to find out if this story she told me was really true or not. I arrived at the foot of the mountains, which were a dangerous and risky place for any of mankind to face, after it came and made home in the mountains. Even if mankind were the strongest and bravest on earth, nothing could outwit and defeat this creature of wisdom, fire and great power. It was a creature that many of the villagers were afraid of. After it came, the place of so much beauty turned to something dark and dismal. Leaves dropped off rotted trees, animals ran like their enemy was chasing after them, the waterfall turned brown and died, flowers were crushed and damaged; the river froze over as the chilled air passed through it. The creature did this but for how long would it carry on? Every full moon for the last 300 years, as the night grew dark, and the bright elegant stars appeared in the mid-night sky, a ball of raging fire would move about the black night background. A glowing of bright and angry colours made the village come to light as it reflected down on this innocent and helpless place. It grew bigger and brighter every time it appeared in the eyes of the people, and also the people grew more scared every time it was upon them. They had fought bravely against this creature, but failed to keep it away or even destroy it. I was going to change this. The creature lived in the caves upon the white glossy snow of the mountains. The caves ran for miles along the ridge of the mountains, with numerous turns and winding passage ways. Fire lived in the centre of this mountain, it was the biggest and tallest of all. Hell was placed here for no one to find and seek. The cave was cut deep down amongst snow and ice. Around the area of this large mountain, were frequent snow blizzards. This gave the creature vital protection, as no mankind could reach it. I advanced towards this unknown mountain. There was a collage of deep, dark, grey clouds that gradually got bigger and more furious by the minute, with its forceful power waiting to grasp at anybody entering this place of immorality. As I advanced further up the mountain I could feel the ice cold snow against the side of my face. I forced myself through the extreme weather conditions of the blizzard. The snow was dragging me to the centre of hell. The pain of the cold grew within me. The noise of the screeching wind passed through the inside of my red frozen ears, like a thousand animals running from what they are a most afraid of in their lives. I ran towards the jagged shaped mouth in the cave, with my soul being pulled back behind me to the centre of the storm. The snow got heavier and heavier, as I got further to the cave. There I saw a glimmer of light, making the cave light up through the white background. I got further to the middle of hell where this powerful and unpredictable creature awaits. Its life time was about to end. The cave smelled of dead human remains that had been there for centuries, blood was splattered against the sides of the rough toothed rocks. Bones lay in the corner, one on top of each other, I felt more fearful as time went on, and as I discovered more about the secrets behind the cave. There lay a fire in the middle of the walls. I started to feel vibration under my feet. Something big was coming towards me, I did not know what to expect. It appeared from behind me, a tall dark mysterious figure. It moved closer and closer. I moved back, tripping up over a rock, with blood on it. I banged my head. I was on the floor. My head lay there. I couldn't move. The creature moved even closer. Blood poured down the side of my head. I felt faint. A black figure was in front of me. My eyes closed. I thought to myself what was it?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Qrb/501 – Week 3 – Forecasting with Indices

Week 3 – Forecasting with Indices QRB/501 Week 3 – Forecasting with Indices The individual assignment for this week tasked the students to select one organization from either our week two assignment or the University material. This paper will show the data in an index using the time series data to forecast inventory for the next year. The Winter Historical Inventory Data from the (University of Phoenix, 2010) shows four years of actual demand of inventory data for the seasonal Winter Highs. Each year is divided into 12 month increments.Methods This breakdown of data allows for quantitative analysis. This approach is objective in nature compared to qualitative analysis which is developed using the judgment of experts. Results The data was plotted and graphed into a chart to show the trend. Based on the chart the index has shown an increase from year to year during December but the other winter months do not show a clear trend. University of Phoenix Material Winter Histor ical Inventory Data | Typical Seasonal Demand for Winter Highs| | | | | | | | | Actual Demands (in units)| | | | | | | | | Month| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Year 4| Forecast| 1| 55,200| 39,800| 32,180| 62,300| 47,370| 2| 57,350| 64,100| 38,600| 66,500| 56,638| 3| 15,400| 47,600| 25,020| 31,400| 29,855| 4| 27,700| 43,050| 51,300| 36,500| 39,638| 5| 21,400| 39,300| 31,790| 16,800| 27,323| 6| 17,100| 10,300| 31,100| 18,900| 19,350| 7| 18,000| 45,100| 59,800| 35,500| 39,600| 8| 19,800| 46,530| 30,740| 51,250| 37,080| 9| 15,700| 22,100| 47,800| 34,400| 30,000| 10| 53,600| 41,350| 73,890| 68,000| 59,210| 1| 83,200| 46,000| 60,200| 68,100| 64,375| 12| 72,900| 41,800| 55,200| 61,100| 57,750| Avg. | 38,113| 40,586| 44,802| 45,896| 42,349| Conclusion This inventory provides good information to suggest that forecasting December will show an increase but the other winter months are not clear. My recommendation would be to would be to increase the inventory for December but hold the inventory for t he other two winter months at an average level. This would allow for the businesses minimal risk of inventory shortage and overage based on the data.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Basal Ganglia Function and Location

Basal Ganglia Function and Location The basal ganglia are a group of neurons (also called nuclei) located deep within the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. The basal ganglia consist of the corpus striatum (a major group of basal ganglia nuclei) and related nuclei. The basal ganglia are involved primarily in processing movement-related information. They also process information related to emotions, motivations, and cognitive functions. Basal ganglia dysfunction is associated with a number of disorders that influence movement including Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, and uncontrolled or slow movement (dystonia). Basal Nuclei Function The basal ganglia and related nuclei are characterized as one of three types of nuclei. Input nuclei receive signals from various sources in the brain. Output nuclei send signals from the basal ganglia to the thalamus. Intrinsic nuclei relay nerve signals and information between the input nuclei and output nuclei. The basal ganglia receive  information from the cerebral cortex and thalamus through input nuclei. After the information has been processed, it is passed along to intrinsic nuclei and sent to output nuclei. From the output nuclei, the information is sent to the thalamus. The thalamus passes the information on to the cerebral cortex. Basal Ganglia Function: Corpus Striatum The corpus striatum is the largest group of basal ganglia nuclei. It consists of the caudate nucleus, putamen, nucleus accumbens, and the globus pallidus. The caudate nucleus, putamen, and nucleus accumbens are input nuclei, while the globus pallidus is considered output nuclei. The corpus striatum uses and stores the neurotransmitter dopamine and is involved in the reward circuit of the brain. Caudate Nucleus: These  C-shaped paired nuclei (one in each hemisphere) are located primarily in the frontal lobe region of the brain. The caudate has a head region that curves and extends forming an elongated body that continues to  taper at its tail. The tail of the caudate ends in the temporal lobe at a limbic system structure known as the amygdala. The caudate nucleus is involved in motor processing and planning. It is also involved in memory storage (unconscious and long-term), associative and procedural learning, inhibitory control, decision making, and planning.Putamen: These  large rounded nuclei (one in each hemisphere) are located in the forebrain and along with the caudate nucleus  form the dorsal striatum. The putamen is connected to the caudate nucleus at the  head region of the caudate. The putamen is involved in voluntary and involuntary motor control.Nucleus Accumbens: These  paired nuclei (one in each hemisphere) are located between the caudate nucleus an d putamen. Along with the olfactory tubercle (sensory processing center in the olfactory cortex), the nucleus accumbens forms the ventral region of the striatum. The nucleus accumbens is involved in the brains  reward circuit and behavior mediation. Globus Pallidus: These paired nuclei (one in each hemisphere) are located near the caudate nucleus and putamen. The globus pallidus is divided into internal and external segments and acts as one of the major output nuclei of the basal ganglia. It sends information from basal ganglia nuclei to the thalamus. The internal segments of the pallidus send the majority of output to the thalamus via the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA has an inhibitory effect on motor function. The external segments of the pallidus are intrinsic nuclei, relaying information between other basal ganglia nuclei and internal segments of the pallidus. The globus pallidus is involved in the regulation of voluntary movement. Basal Ganglia Function: Related Nuclei Subthalamic Nucleus: These small paired nuclei are a component of the diencephalon, located just below the thalamus. Subthalamic nuclei receive excitatory inputs from the cerebral cortex and have excitatory connections to the globus pallidus and substantia nigra. Subthalamic nuclei have both input and output connections to the caudate nucleus, putamen, and substantia nigra. The subthalamic nucleus plays a major role in voluntary and involuntary movement. It is also involved in associative learning and limbic functions. Subthalamic nuclei have connections with the limbic system through connections with the cingulate gyrus and nucleus accumbens.Substantia Nigra: This large mass of nuclei is located in the midbrain and is also a component of the brainstem. The substantia nigra is composed of the pars compacta and the pars reticulata. The pars reticulata segment forms one of the major inhibitory outputs of the basal ganglia and assists in the regulation of eye movements. The pars compact a segment is composed of intrinsic nuclei that relay information between input and output sources. It is involved mainly in motor control and coordination. Pars compacta cells contain pigmented nerve cells that produce dopamine. These neurons of the substantia nigra have connections with the dorsal striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) supplying the striatum with dopamine. The substantia nigra serves numerous functions including controlling voluntary movement, regulating mood, learning, and activity related to the brains reward circuit. Basal Ganglia Disorders Dysfunction of basal ganglia structures results in several movement disorders. Examples of these disorders include Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, dystonia (involuntary muscle contractions), Tourette syndrome, and multiple system atrophy (neurodegenerative disorder). Basal ganglia disorders are commonly the result of damage to the deep brain structures of the basal ganglia. This damage may be caused by factors such as head injury, drug overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning, tumors, heavy metal poisoning, stroke, or liver disease. Individuals with basal ganglia dysfunction may exhibit difficulty in walking with uncontrolled or slow movement. They may also exhibit tremors, problems controlling speech, muscle spasms, and increased muscle tone. Treatment is specific to the causation of the disorder. Deep brain stimulation, electrical stimulation of targeted brain areas, has been used in the treatment of Parkinsons disease, dystonia, and Tourette syndrome. Sources Lanciego, Josà © L., et al. â€Å"Functional Neuroanatomy of the Basal Ganglia.† Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Dec. 2012.Parr-Brownlie, Louise C., and John N.J. Reynolds. â€Å"Basal Ganglia.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 19 June 2016.Wichmann, Thomas, and Mahlon R. DeLong. â€Å"Deep-Brain Stimulation for Basal Ganglia Disorders.† Basal Ganglia, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 July 2011.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Edwin V. Sumner - Civil War - Union - Major General

Edwin V. Sumner - Civil War - Union - Major General Edwin V. Sumner - Early Life Career: Born January 30, 1797 in Boston, MA, Edwin Vose Sumner was the son of Elisha and Nancy Sumner. Attending the West and Billercia Schools as a child, he received his later education at the Milford Academy. Pursuing a mercantile career, Sumner moved to Troy, NY as a young man. Quickly tiring of business, he successfully sought a commission in the US Army in 1819. Joining the 2nd US Infantry on March 3 with the rank of second lieutenant, Sumners commissioning was facilitated by his friend Samuel Appleton Storrow who was serving on the staff of Major General Jacob Brown. Three years after entering the service, Sumner married Hannah Foster. Promoted to first lieutenant on January 25, 1825, he remained in the infantry. Edwin V. Sumner - Mexican-American War: In 1832, Sumner took part in the Black Hawk War in Illinois. A year later, he received a promotion to captain and transferred to the 1st US Dragoons. Proving a skilled cavalry officer, Sumner moved to Carlisle Barracks in 1838 to serve as an instructor. Teaching at the cavalry school, he remained in Pennsylvania until taking an assignment at Fort Atkinson, IA in 1842. After serving as the posts commander through 1845, he was promoted to major on June 30, 1846 following the beginning of the Mexican-American War. Assigned to Major General Winfield Scotts army the following year, Sumner took part in the campaign against Mexico City. On April 17, he earned a brevet promotion to lieutenant colonel for his performance at the Battle of Cerro Gordo. Struck in the head by a spent round during the fighting, Sumner gained the nickname Bull Head. That August, he oversaw American reserve forces during the Battles of Contreras and Churubusco before being brevetted to colonel for his actions during the Battle of Molino del Rey on September 8. Edwin V. Sumner - Antebellum Years: Promoted to lieutenant colonel of the 1st US Dragoons on July 23, 1848, Sumner remained with the regiment until being appointed military governor of the New Mexico Territory in 1851. In 1855, he received a promotion to colonel and command of the newly-formed US 1st Cavalry at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Operating in the Kansas Territory, Sumners regiment worked to maintain peace during the Bleeding Kansas crisis as well as campaigned against the Cheyenne. In 1858, he assumed command of the Department of the West with his headquarters at St. Louis, MO. With the beginning of the secession crisis following the election of 1860, Sumner advised president-elect Abraham Lincoln to remain armed at all times. In March, Scott directed him to escort Lincoln from Springfield, IL to Washington, DC. Edwin V. Sumner - The Civil War Begins: With the dismissal of Brigadier General David E. Twiggs for treason in early 1861, Sumners name was put forward by Lincoln for elevation to brigadier general. Approved, he was promoted on March 16 and directed to relieve Brigadier General Albert S. Johnston as commander of the Department of the Pacific. Departing for California, Sumner remained on the West Coast until November. As a result, he missed the early campaigns of the Civil War. Returning east, Sumner was selected to lead the newly-formed II Corps on March 13, 1862. Attached to Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac, II Corps began moving south in April to take part in the Peninsula Campaign. Advancing up the Peninsula, Sumner directed Union forces at the inconclusive Battle of Williamsburg on May 5. Though criticized for his performance by McClellan, he was promoted to major general. Edwin V. Sumner - On the Peninsula: As the Army of the Potomac neared Richmond, it was attacked at the Battle of Seven Pines by General Joseph E. Johnstons Confederate forces on May 31. Outnumbered, Johnston sought to isolate and destroy the Union III and IV Corps which were operating south of the Chickahominy River. Though the Confederate assault did not materialize as initially planned, Johnstons men put Union troops under heavy pressure and ultimately flanked the southern wing of IV Corps. Responding to the crisis, Sumner, on his own initiative, directed Brigadier General John Sedgwicks division across the rain-swollen river. Arriving, they proved critical in stabilizing the Union position and turning back subsequent Confederate attacks. For his efforts at Seven Pines, Sumner was brevetted to major general in the regular army. Though inconclusive, the battle saw Johnston wounded and replaced by General Robert E. Lee as well as McClellan halt his advance on Richmond. Having gained the strategic initiative and seeking to relieve pressure on Richmond, Lee attacked Union forces on June 26 at Beaver Dam Creek (Mechanicsville). Beginning the Seven Days Battles, it proved a tactical Union victory. Confederate attacks continued the next day with Lee triumphing at Gaines Mill. Beginning a retreat toward the James River, McClellan complicated the situation by frequently being away from the army and not appointing a second-in-command to oversee operations in his absence. This was due to his low opinion of Sumner who, as senior corps commander, would have received the post. Attacked at Savages Station on June 29, Sumner fought a conservative battle, but succeeded in covering the retreat of the army. The following day, his corps played a role in the larger Battle of Glendale. In the course of the fighting, Sumner received a minor wound in the arm. Edwin V. Sumner - Final Campaigns: With the failure of the Peninsula Campaign, II Corps was ordered north to Alexandria, VA to support Major General John Popes Army of Virginia. Though nearby, the corps technically remained part of Army of the Potomac and McClellan controversially refused to allow it to advance to Popes aid during the Second Battle of Manassas in late August. In the wake of the Union defeat, McClellan took command in northern Virginia and soon moved to intercept Lees invasion of Maryland. Advancing west, Sumners command was held in reserve during the Battle of South Mountain on September 14. Three days later, he led II Corps onto the field during the Battle of Antietam. At 7:20 AM, Sumner received orders to take two divisions to the aid of I and XII Corps which had become engaged north of Sharpsburg. Selecting those of Sedgwick and Brigadier General William French, he elected to ride with the former. Advancing west towards the fighting, the two divisions became separated. Despite this, Sumner pushed forward with the goal of turning the Confederate right flank. Operating with the information on hand, he attacked into the West Woods but soon came under fire from three sides. Quickly shattered, Sedgwicks division was driven from the area. Later in the day, the remainder of Sumners corps mounted a series of bloody and unsuccessful assaults against Confederate positions along a sunken road to the south. In the weeks after Antietam, command of the army passed to Major General Ambrose Burnside who began reorganizing its structure. This saw Sumner elevated to lead the Right Grand Division which consisted of II Corps, IX Corps, and a division of cavalry led by Brigadier General Alfred Pleasonton. In this arrangement, Major General Darius N. Couch assumed command of II Corps. On December 13, Sumner led his new formation during the Battle of Fredericksburg. Tasked with frontally assaulting Lieutenant General James Longstreets fortified lines atop Maryes Heights, his men moved forward shortly before noon. Attacking through the afternoon, Union efforts were repulsed with heavy losses. Continued failures on the part of Burnside in the following weeks saw him replaced with Major General Joseph Hooker on January 26, 1863. The oldest general in the Army of the Potomac, Sumner asked to be relieved shortly after Hookers appointment due to exhaustion and frustration with infighting among the Union officers. Appointed to a command in the Department of the Missouri shortly thereafter, Sumner died of a heart attack on March 21 while in Syracuse, NY to visit his daughter. He was buried in the citys Oakwood Cemetery a short time later. Selected Sources Territorial Kansas: Edwin V. SumnerCivil War: Edwin V. Sumner Civil War Reference: Edwin Sumner

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health Promotion in Nursing Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Promotion in Nursing Care - Essay Example The first article by Ellenbecker, C., Bryne, K., O’Brien, E. & Rogosta (2001), tackled health promotion used to prevent diseases in the elderly. The sample population for this study is composed of elderly individuals who reside in a subsidized senior housing in Massachusetts (Ellenbecker, C. Bryne, K., O' Brien, E. & Rogosta, C., 2001, p. 9). On-site student nursing clinic were developed for the elderly to achieve improved health outcomes by making available health promotion and disease prevention services. The clinic’s activities involved outreach programs, screenings, influenza clinics and health education. Since the residents of this housing have a tendency to be isolated and are not aware of the nursing clinic’s healthcare services, the students decided to conduct outreach programs. Students go door-to-door and conduct home visits. Students may help the residents with their activities of daily living like bathing, cleaning, grooming, etc (Ellenbecker, C. Bryn e, K., O' Brien, E. & Rogosta, C., 2001, p. 12). Screenings were developed to identify potential health problems. Students base the screening on the residents needs. They screen for high blood pressure, depression, tuberculosis, elevated blood glucose levels and hearing and vision problems. This provides continued monitoring and follow ups which benefit the isolated elders immensely. The influenza clinic plays a major role in the immunization of the elderly in the housing. Students provide education, supplies, paperwork and final reports. This activity has health not only the residents but also the city health department in their goal of immunizing at risk populations. Students provide a variety of educational presentation based on what the residents are interested in. this include smoking cessation, prostate cancer, STDs, diabetes, alcohol and substance use, diet and nutrition and medication use. Individual health education is also done during clinic visits. Health education promot es self-care and supplemental support that the elderly needs. A variety of positive results can be seen from the in-site clinic (Ellenbecker, C. Bryne, K., O' Brien, E. & Rogosta, C., 2001, pp. 12-14). Some of which are the following: residents were able to give the name of their healthcare provider and report regular visit to the clinic, they receive flu and pneumonia vaccines, resident’s blood pressures were maintained within normal limits, residents post their medication list and emergency record in their apartment, blood sugar levels were recorded by the residents, etc. In the second article by Riley, M., Locke, A. & Skye, E. (2011), the sample population consisted of school-aged children, specifically from kindergarten to early adolescence. Health promotion is important is crucial at this age because children are just starting to establish patterns of behaviour. This is the vital time that the parents and the school work together to provide a conducive environment for le arning. Both parents and school management should be educated on what is important for their children. A major factor for a child to learn is healthy lifestyle (Riley, M., Locke, A. & Skye, E., 2011, p. 691). This can be achieved through dietary counselling, adequate physical activity, appropriate screen time or TV time, sufficient rest and sleep, proper dental care and safety. Also, high-risk behaviours to avoid are tobacco, alcohol and drug use, and sexual activity. Armed with