Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Development Through the Life Stages Essay

In older age (64+) many things happen on the inside and the outside the body. As you hit older age, you will start to notice that many things will happen on the outside of your body. Your hair may start to go grey or you may start to go bald. The hair goes grey because as you get older your hair loses pigment which is the colouring in your hair. Also your skin may lose elasticity; this means your skin may appear to get wrinkles. Your posture may also start to get worse in older age because your shoulders begin to drop and you may start to hunch forward. This will affect your posture. These things that happen on the outside could also affect you in other aspects of your life. You may start to feel depressed because you feel unattractive about your appearance. This could have an affect on other aspects of your life if you do get depressed because you may become isolated and not want to leave the house. Your social life will suffer if you do not want to go outside because you will not b e going out. This will affect your social development because you will not be going out meeting new people and expanding your horizon. You may also become isolated because you feel that people may judge you on how you look on the outside, this may also cause isolation. If you do not go outside you may have a deteration in your health because you will be in the same environment everyday and will not be getting any fresh air. However, in older age you get maturity with age because you have been there done that. This means that you can offer advice to your family. If you are retired you will have more time to socialise with friends that you have made though your life. In older age it is very important that you have good relationships so you know that they are people to look after you later on in your life. It will also raise your self-esteem if you have a good relationship with people that you are close too. As you get older your bones are less dense, you have more of a risk of falling and artrithus. Mobility in older age is very important because it is how you get around. If you have a problem with your mobility, it could have an affect on your social life because you will not be able to get to see your friends and family. It could have an affect on your self confidence if you do not see anyone because you may feel like they do not want to see you. Also you don’t want to feel like a burden on your family by asking them to take you places, this may mean that you become isolated. If you need someone to come out with you so that you can avoid falling and injuring yourself, you may feel childlike and vulnerable. You may also not feel that confidence if you do not have good balance because you may feel like you may fall. However, the more active you stay you are going to be active for longer. For example swimming is a good way to keep fit and some gyms has special classes for the older generation. This is there to keep them mobilised for longer is older age. If they lost their mobility then they would most likely lose their social life because they may not be able to get around as well as they used too. This could lead to them being disempowered because they won’t have their own choice to go anywhere and do anything by themselves. They also don’t want to feel like a burden on their family members because this could make them feel childlike and vulnerable. If you have gone throughout your life doing everything for yourself, you may feel embarrassed about asking people to help you. In some cases you may also feel ashamed. Your confidence will also be affect, this could be because of your mobility. If you do not have the best balance, you may not want to go in case you fall over or injury yourself in anyway. In older age there are also changes to your cardiovascular and respiration systems. As you get older your heart has to work harder to pump the blood around the body. This would mean that your circulation will begin to get slower and you will be more prone to blood clots at different points within your body. Your respiration system changes as well, you find you are shorter if breath quicker. This will lower your exercise tolerance because you will get out of breath quicker. Having shortness of breath is a frightening situation and it will also take you less time to get out of breath. You may also suffer from heart disease, lung cancer, asthma etc. You could also get any other problems that are associated with breathing and your heart. This could lead to many different things, such as lack of sexual relationships and lack in social life. If you are not feeling confident about yourself then you are not likely to want to go out or have sexual interactions with anyone. It could also affect you and your grandchildren’s relationship because you may not be able to play with your grandchildren. This could affect the relationship you have with them throughout their life. If you do have respiratory problems the you may have to depend on oxygen all the time. You could be left feeling embarrassed and not wanting to leave the house to socialise. As a consequence will limit the opportunities that are available to you. You may even stop your family members coming around your house because you are that embarrassed about the oxygen you have to have all of the time. Digestion In older age you digestion will also suffer. This could be because of false teeth making it harder to eat. This could be because of them being too big for your mouth or just not fitting properly. As you get older you have slower metabolism and weakened muscles in the stomach. This could affect you in many ways, for example it could cause you to gain weight if you are still eating as much as you did when you were 30 years old. Eating is often regarded as a social event and often people in older age do not eat unless they are will other people. Your food may also become less appealing because you lose sensation in your taste buds. This will make your favourite food less appealing and you may stop eating. A lot of things can stop you from accessing food; this could be because of your mobility. If you cannot get of the house, you can’t get to the shops to buy food. You may not want to ask people to go to the shop for you because you do not want to feel like a burden and childlike. However, if you are not eating it could increase your chances of having a nutrient deficiently and affect your immunity from viruses. Having a nutrient deficient could affect your health in a major way and can make you very ill if you are not getting the right nutrients. If you can’t stand by the cooker for a long period of time or undo bottles. This will stop you actually accessing the food to eat, if no-one else is around to open it for you. Another reason your digestion may be affected is if you have lost a loved one. You may feel like they is no point in just cooking for you. This may lead to you eating convenience food which is high in fat or not eating at all. You may also gain weight in older age. This could be because you are eating the same amount as you did when you were working. This will make you gain weight because you will not be burning off the energy like you used to do. You may also lose weight if you don’t eat healthy or not eat regularly. However some good things happen to your digestion when you get older. Since you are retired and wouldn’t be working. You will have more time to cook healthier food, so in retirement you may eat better. Continence Continence means the ability to control body liquids. You are more likely in older age to have incontinence. Some people in older age even have accidental incontinence. Having incontinence could mean that you have no control at all over releasing body liquids and in some cases you may not even know that you are doing it. However, it could be your pelvic floor muscles, if these are not strong you may release urine when you laugh or sneeze. This can be fixed by practicing your pelvic floor muscles. However, they are things you can do to stop it happening as often. Don’t drink caffeine, this is because it is a bladder stimulant and causes you to go to the toilet more frequently. Also diet coke has been linked with bladder cancer and this will affect your ability to hold body liquids for a long period of time. If you do have bladder or bowel problems, you may feel too embarrassed to tell anyone. This could be because they you think that they may judge you and loom at you like you’re a child. You may even think that you are childlike and vulnerable. If this is a bad problem and you do not want to tell anyone about it. It could lead to being isolated and not socialising because you are worried that it might happen whilst you are out. You may even stop people coming to visit you because you might worry that it smells of urine and you do not want people to know that you have a problem. If you did go out, you may want to take a change of clothes with you. This may be just for peace of mind just in case anything happens whilst you are out. Brain and Memory As you get older it is common for you to have memory loss. Don’t worry this happens to many people when they are in older age. You may feel embarrassed that you are unable to remember anything, even your close relative’s names. You may forget how to look after yourself. You lose your memory because as you get older you start to lose your nerve cells. Wisdom Many people think as you get to older age nothing good happens. However as you get older you gain wisdom. This can be shared with family and friends. The younger generation often think that you have been there done that so that you have got life experience that can be passed down the younger generation. You may also have strong relationships with your family members this causing you to have a good self-concept and feel good about yourself. Psychological effects on ageing As you get older your brain will start to change. This could be because you have recently retired or something major has happened in your life and it has affected your emotions. Retirement Retirement could affect your psychological development because you are used to going to work every day and suddenly it will stop. You may start to feel useless, this would be because you have had something to do and you would be getting money for your family. Everybody adjusts to retirement differently. You could take up many different hobbies to keep yourself active or you could stop doing everything all together this could lead to you feeling useless, this would be because you are used to bringing in the family money and now you don’t. Self-esteem and image Your self-esteem change in older age because you experience many different emotions. Your self-esteem could be positive or negative. It could be positive because you may go out all of the time and have a good social life. This would lead to a good self-esteem because they would feel good about themselves. However, you have negative self-esteem in older age. This could be because you may stay in all of the time and never go out. Your self-image could suffer as well because of the physical changes of older age could affect the psychological effects of aging. You may start to feel bad about yourself, this may mean that you do not want to leave the house. You may also think that people are staring at you and it could mean that you may not want to leave the house. This could lead to a negative self-image. You may also have a good self-image in older age, this may be because you go out all of the time with friends and have a good social life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is Bigger Always Better? Essay

For centuries, a plump figure was considered attractive in both men and women.   Full figures suggested a life of ease and luxury.   Still today, children are taught that an older man in a red suit with a rounded midsection is jolly and approachable.   Some may even feel that a little fat around the belly is not such a bad thing.   Sadly, far too many people have more than a little.   Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic that affects individuals psychologically, socially, economically, and physically.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Obesity can strongly affect an individual psychologically and socially.   Just as prejudices against race, sex, and religion are common all across the world, so is prejudice against obese people.   The AORN Journal states that obese individuals â€Å"often are considered lazy overeaters without will power or motivation [†¦] are slothful, have poor personal eating and exercise habits, are of limited intelligence, and lack self-control (Shortt).   Such prejudices have even been seen in physicians who are obesity specialists.   According to a study found in Psychology Today, some physicians â€Å"associated fat people with laziness and stupidity and connected them to words like ‘bad’ or ‘worthless’† (Allen).   The fact that healthcare professionals have such strong biases reinforces how widespread â€Å"the stigma of obesity is in our society† (Allen).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unfortunately, prejudice and discrimination carries on into everyday life for the obese individual.   Economic hardship may ensue.   Employment opportunities may be affected.   â€Å"Employers often presume that people who are obese are lazy and have poor work habits: (Allen).   This misconception results in job opportunities being denied or limited to the obese.   Employers also â€Å"want their companies to be perceived as ‘young, dynamic, and energetic’ so they avoid putting people who are obese in visible positions, erroneously believing that the obese person will not be quick or alter to the public’s needs† (Allen). Although employment opportunities may decrease, expenses related to obesity are on the rise.   Clothes and shoes cost more because the items may have to be especially made and ordered.   Medical bills for associated health problems begin to pile up.   Finding a seat to fit in becomes an added difficulty.   For example, many airlines are now requiring obese individuals to purchase two seats to accommodate their wider size.   Added expenses pose a serious dilemma, since income rates are lower and poverty rates are higher in families with obese members (Raman).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Emotional suffering, however, may be one of the most painful effects of obesity.   Society subtly teaches that attraction equals thin.   The pressure from peers does not help either.   Obese individuals, especially children and adolescents, are often subjected to endless teasing and ridicule.   It is of little wonder that not so thin men and women think of themselves as fat and unattractive.   These individuals may start to believe the prejudices about them are true.   Such feelings of low self worth lead to depression in many individuals. Thus, depression is often linked to obesity.   Concerning children, and article in Psychology Today states, â€Å"The longer a child is over weight, the more he or she is at risk for depression and other mental disorders† (Lawson).   Without intervention, these problems can carry on into adulthood.   Obese children and adults are at risk for serious emotional problems.   The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy states, â€Å"Problems include disparagement of body image, a condition in which persons feel that their body is grotesque and loathsome.    They believe that others view them with hostility and contempt, which makes them self-conscious and impairs social functioning† (Beers 60).   Sadly, these emotional problems may affect personal achievements and relationships.   According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, then umber of years of education and marriage rates were lower among women who were obese in childhood and adolescence (Raman).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While the psychological, social, and emotional effects of obesity are significant, the physical effects of obesity are far more profound.   In fact, the physical effects of obesity are life-threatening.   According to the AORN Journal, â€Å"a person who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as a person of average weight† (Shortt).   The article continues by stating, â€Å"In 2000, obesity due to poor diet and inactivity cause 16% of all deaths (ie, 400,000), making it the number-two killer after tobacco use (ie, 435,000 deaths)† (Shortt).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Obese individuals are at an increased risk for many chronic medical conditions.   The AORN Journal lists type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and some forms of cancer as conditions related to obesity (Shortt).   Concerning the increased risk of cancer, Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing states, â€Å"Obesity is associated with endometrial cancer and possibly postmenopausal breast cancers.   Obesity may also increase the risk for cancers of the colon, kidney, and gall bladder† (Smeltzer 321). The text also correlates obesity and back injuries due to increased stress in the â€Å"relatively weak back muscles† (2051).   Several other physical effects of obesity are noted in the Merck Manual of diagnosis and Therapy including orthopedic disturbances of weight-bearing and non-weight bearing joints.   The text also states, â€Å"Skin disorders are particularly common; increased sweat and skin secretions, trapped in thick folds of skin, produce a culture medium conducive to fungal and bacterial growth and infections† (Beers 60).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Everyday tasks become a burden to the obese.   Climbing a set of stairs, walking to the mailbox, tying shoelaces, and playing with their own children are all considered strenuous activities.   The onset of shortness of breath, increased heart rate and blood pressure, seating, and fatigue quickly bring any type of physical activity to an end.   The increased stress to the heart due to obesity can eventually lead to chronic heart failure and even death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The expression â€Å"bigger is better† is true for many things.   Weight is not one of them.   As waistbands continue to expand, human lives are being endangered.   Obesity is a worldwide crisis that brings long-term psychological, social, emotional, and physical effects.   A closer look at obesity proves that bigger is not always better. Works Cited Allen, Colin. â€Å"Obesity Doctors Are Weight Biased.† Psychology Today.   29 Sept 2003. Beers, Mark and Robert Berkow.   The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy.   17th ed.   West Point: Merck, 1999. Lawson, Willow.   â€Å"The Obesity – Depression Link.†Ã‚   Psychology Today.   27 May 2003. Raman, Rita.   â€Å"Obesity and Heatlh Risks.†Ã‚   Journal of the American College of Nutrition.   21 (2002). Shortt, Janet.   â€Å"Obesity – A Public Dilemma.†Ã‚   AORN Journal. Dec 2004. Smeltzer, Suzanne and Brenda Bare.   Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical – Surgical Nursing.   10th ed.   Philadelphia:   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A danger of a single story Essay

Literature is something that matters. It has the power to change and shape our minds and opinions. It has the power to change the perception of the world around us and to boost our imagination. Take us far away from the reality to the world of illusions and let our minds flourished with imagination. One might think how amazing it is, but fiction as it is here today may often matter much more than it is meant to. TED is a non-profit global community whose mission is to spread ideas usually in the form of short talks which last no more than 18 minutes. TED began in 1984 as a conference, and today covers wide range of topics – from science to philosophy to global issues – in more than 100 languages welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. Both of the presenters whose ideas I will mention are novelists and story tellers. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian anglophone writer who succeeded in attracting a new generation of readers to African literature. In her novels, she is inspired by the history of her nation and its tragedies that are forgotten by recent generation of westerners. Elif Shafak is a Turkish novelist born in Strasbourg, France who is the most widely read female writer in Turkey. Her books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. Ch. N. Adichie in her talk warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. Things are not usually just black and white and we have to make every effort to open our minds and explore what is real. Elif Shafak talks about the danger into which writers from different cultures are put at; the pressure-that-makes-them-feel-as-a-representatives-of-their-cultures. She makes a strong division between fiction and reality – fiction and daily politics. Although, both of the writers are of non-western origin which to some extend make them quite similar in terms of cultural stereotypes, it  seems that they do not share the same view of function of a story in our lives. While talking about the cultural and social background of these two writers, there are many things in which they differ, although their life journeys have many in common. Ch. N. Adichie was born in Nigeria, Africa. She grew up in a conventional middle-class family, her father was a professor and her mother was an administrator. She had a very happy childhood in a very close-knit family. However, a kind of political fear invaded their lives on the place they live. However, Chimamanda was a happy child who was writing stories about white people, just like those who she was reading about in books. On the other hand, Elif Shafak; although, she has Turkish parents, was born in France, Europe and when her parents got separated she was bringing up by her mother and her grandmother in Turkey. Her position was quite dissimilar to Adichie’ as she was not living in a nuclear family. She grew up in a patriarchal environment where fathers were the heads of households. She was raised as a single child by a single mother, which was; at those times, a bit unusual. Elif Shafak was an introverted child talking to her imaginary friends. She had a vivid imagination and unlike Adichie, she was not inspired by stories that she had read, but she wrote about people she had never seen and things that never really happened. Nevertheless, their writing experience took place at the same time. They both started to write around the age of 7; though, their style was different. Moreover, the life journey of these two women seems to be quite similar. Just like Adichie, Shafak also studied abroad. They have travelled the world and this made these women who they are nowadays. It made them being experienced, open-minded and well-educated,-powerful-women. This leads me to the matter of stereotypes. As I mentioned, both writers have travelled a lot and during their lives they have experienced stereotypes on their own skin. Ch. N. Adichie mentions several personal stories from her life in which she pays attention to the stereotypes. She talks about how her roommate in the USA was surprised that she had learnt speak English so well,  that she had not been raised in poverty, that music which Adichie was listening to was not different in any feature from mainstream one. Chimamanda focuses on African stereotypes that she experienced. As a result, she demonstrates that stereotypes are created by single stories, and the problem with the stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. At the same time, Elif uses her personal experience as well. Like Adichie, she attended a school abroad as well, and she experienced cultural stereotypes. She talks about the clusters based on cultural identity. The school, which she attended, was multicultural. The only problem was that each child was seen as a representative of his or her nation and every time something happened in connection to their nation they were ridiculed and bullied because of it. As Adichie experienced stereotypes concerning Africa, Elif Shafak came across some cultural stereotypes concerning her nationality as well and these were politics, smoking and veil. Doesn’t matter she had never been smoking before, or she had never been raised in a environment where a rule of wearing a veil was obligatory, she was expected to do so because it was a general image of her nation and her culture. In contrast, the notion of power is discussed from different points of view by these two writers. To clarify this, I will put down both of them in sequence. The most significant difference is in context they use. On one hand, Adichie talks about the power as the ability not just to tell the story, but also as the ability to chose which story is being told, how it is told, who tells it; therefore, the ability to make from one story the definite one, the single story. She appeals not that much to writers, but to readers and people in general. She demonstrates how important it is not to see things just black and white; thus, try to open our minds and explore. Without doubt, Elif’s viewpoint to the question of power is quite distinct. It seems to me like the other side of the coin when she; unlike Adichie, analyses the relation between power and writer not power and reader. Shafak puts into relation power with the notion of pressure. She demonstrates how  writers are seen as the representatives of their cultures. In her talk, she manifests how world of politics affects the way stories are being written, reviewed and read. If you are a person with a particular cultural background you are expected to write informative and characteristic stories about your world and to show manifestation of your identity. As an illustration, Elif as a woman from a Muslim world is expected to write stories of Muslim women and preferably, the unhappy stories of unhappy Muslim women just because she happened to be one. And in connection to this, here comes the main distinction between their understanding of power. While Adichie sees a story and fiction as tools for shaping our minds by which we can understand people, nations and things what they really are, Shafak thinks that when stories are seen as more than stories, they lose their magic; in other words, she says fiction is just fiction, not daily politics. In both cases one must admit that thoughts which were brought up were relevant. It doesn’t matter what is your cultural background; what is important it is your personal growth. These two women have stepped over the shadows of their cultural stereotypes. They pointed at a serious problem of nowadays in a context of literature and the credibility of information itselves. They both; however, in a different way, open people’s minds and let us think. And this is when a story matters.

Compares the significance of the dominant conservative parties and Essay

Compares the significance of the dominant conservative parties and their opponents on the left (and in the center, as in the case of the DPJ) in France and Japan - Essay Example Due to this unity, the Japan Democratic Party won the next elections, held this power for over almost five decades, but lost the power in 1993. The party strategies came from its strong ties with the United Nation and the USSR. However, Criminal Intelligence Agency in US was not happy with the Socialist and the Communist party and therefore spent millions of dollars influencing Japans elections in the favor of the Liberal Democratic Party. Many analysts argue that the influence was due to the second world war that really affected the Japanese hence the CIA were worried of their counter reaction. The influence of the US CIA was a deep kept secret and was only revealed later in the 1990 thanks to The New York Times. In the 1960’s LDP managed to host 1964 Olympics and neutralize the Vietnam War (Fackler, Osaka Mayors Radical Message Has Broad Appeal in a Weary Japan). Their success continued as the Party managed to improve the country’s economy. However, the Party did not have it smooth all the way. The Party encountered resistance from the Socialist Party and Japan Community party. LDP also encountered many scandals including some of young members breaking away from the government and joining their opponents. Despite this, the government managed to consolidate and move forward. The Party made policies from all specters of the economy that managed to hold the party into leadership until 1993 when it lost. The party lost due to lack of power to influence voters in addition to many scandals in the government. Despite the loss the LDP was able to gunner its power back and after three years it was back to leadership. In 1998, Democratic Party of Japan was formed. The party challenged LDP mostly in 2003 and 2004 in parliamentary elections (Sieg). France political interest began hundreds of year ago with philosophers such as Locke challenging the government in its governance role.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Midterm - Essay Example Sometimes the agents like the employees, creditors and the stakeholders want the managers to look beyond just protecting their interests and help them maximize the wealth, besides acting as protector of the interests. This concept or the need to maximize the wealth of the stakeholder that arises is part of the shareholder model (Bagchi 447-462). The shareholder model ensures that the managers do everything to make sure that the wealth is maximized as much as possible. The two types of model cannot remain side by side or go hand in hand. The managers have to choose to settle between either maximization of the shareholder wealth and the overseeing that the rights of the creditors, employees and the stakeholders are protected at any cost. This can be explained with the help of the following example. In order to increase the shareholder value following the shareholder model, the managers take debt which increases the chances of bankruptcy (Bougheas 233-263). If the debt fund is able to g enerate the required return, then the company can pay for both its shareholders as well as the creditors. On the other hand the extra debt increases the chances of agency cost. The agency is thus obliged to pay for the extra debt and puts the agency in a risky position. So choosing to maximize the shareholder value the managers have put the employees, stakeholders, and the employees into a crisis. In reality the management or the principle is expected to make sure that whatever decisions that are taken by them, the oath taken to protect rights of the interests are not jeopardizes at any cost. The concept of investment involves maximization of wealth and that is what shareholders keep looking for in any investment. The adoption of the stakeholder concept comes in direct confrontation with wealth maximization concept. Without maximization of wealth, there is no point to invest. So I agree that the stakeholder theory sounds goods in social theory but does not work in practice. Question 2 I agree that the cost/benefit analysis sometimes lead to flawed ethical results. Cost benefit analysis involves weighing the cost of carrying out an object with its subsequent benefits. Most of the time the comparison is done by indicating the margin by which benefits outweigh the cost. Human beings have the tendency of measuring the benefits by the level of human satisfaction achieved (Deborah 879-911). Since the ultimate aim of all such endeavour is uplift of human satisfaction level, so all the benefits are measured in the light of human satisfaction. It may happen that the achievement of such results or benefits may come in direct confrontation with ethics. For example in constructing a company there is a cost/benefit analysis. The costs include the capital and manpower, and the benefits include the long term service of the company towards the society. Very often the managers as well as economists fail to note the cost of ecological imbalance. It is in our own interest that t he environment be protected since wanton destruction of ecology is in fact a serious unethical practice. This little fact is however overlooked in the cost/benefit analysis math. Corporate sustainability helps a company to improve the consumer and employee for a long term basis. It helps to create green strategy. This strategy is developed keeping in the focus the natural environment surrounding the company. The natural environ

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Law of Tort Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law of Tort - Article Example A conviction in criminal court does not necessarily mean automatic compensation under tort law. (King, 2006) The following cases would explain the position of Duty, Breach of Duty, Causation, Remotness, Damages or Remedies under the aspects of Tort Law. Due to some recent issues surrounding plant security, Bug has to address some concerns both with a focus on short and long-term solutions. With any organization the first priority should be to protect its assets. This must start with ensuring the safety of its workforce on company property. Since Bug has at least two full shifts, the lighting and security for night shift workers must be addressed. The company must address the parking lot lighting situation by having all lights repaired immediately. Management should also incorporate some type of safety process that discourages individuals from leaving the plant alone. If security is present, then the rounds made by the guards should be increased, even if the company has to purchase some type of motorized vehicle. (King, 2006) In the following scenario, Bug can be held liable based on the category of Intentional Tort. Both the vendor and employees who were victimized can claim reasonable apprehension of imminent harm because Bug knew its lighting and security process were not fully operational. ... No entity can eliminate crime, so the company cannot be held liable for all incidents of violence. Another stance may be that the company made a mistake in underestimating the level of increased crime within the city; thus failing to make improvements within the plant security. Does the company have a safe place to hold visitors, and how often does security escort employees to their vehicles' Having processes in place such as these can assist with providing documentation of efforts by the organization to offset security risks. (King, 2006) The Bug Company manufactured some wiretaps without insulators to save on production cost. The company later adds insulators to the newer version that they produced which Bug's duty of care is to produce safe equipment. The original version caused harm to someone and Bug should be responsible. (King, 2006) The police department purchased the original version of these wiretaps that short-circuited and injured Officer Sally DoGood. Sally could pursue the Negligence tort against Bug for not producing safe equipment and receive punitive and actual damages for their Intentional tortious conduct that resulted in her being injured. Strict Liability is another tort that Sally can pursue because it was not her fault that the wiretaps short-circuited. The police department can also be held responsible for issuing the old equipment to Sally that caused her to be injured on the job. Manufactures, designs, and sells electronic recording devices in the United States. They also manufacture products internationally. Demands for their products are increasing in the International sales markets. Bug is currently making decisions to expand the sales department to market products

Friday, July 26, 2019

Media critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media critique - Essay Example The media depicts the adolescents as a social group that is affected by health problems associated to sex. In relation to the elderly, the health problem associated to them is related to ageing. Children are on depicted as having health problems related to nutrition. Sexually transmitted diseases amongst the adolescents in the society are among the health problems that receive more media attention (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 2000). This is in comparison to other health problems affecting other members of the society such as the elderly and children. There are a variety of reasons as to why this health problem receives more media attention. One of the reasons is that the adolescent population is greater than that of other members of the society. Therefore, this social group is more vulnerable hence the media attention directed towards it. The emphasis of sexually transmitted diseases amongst adolescents is justified because this social group is very important for the welfare of any nation. The adolescents who are mostly teenagers are the hope for the future. Therefore, if their welfare is not protected at present then the status of the future is at jeopardy. The attention given to the adolescent’s health issues by the media in relation to other social groups should be encouraged. This is because most of the teenagers at the adolescent stage are naà ¯ve and therefore need a lot of guidance and counseling. Teenagers at the adolescent stage undergo a series of physical and physiological changes and hence why they need guidance on how to handle the changes (Goldwasser, 2008). Sex is one of the issues that affect their lifestyles and it is therefore the obligation of the media to concentrate on sexually transmitted diseases amongst them so as to enlighten them. Research has revealed that the publics portray the attention of the media to sexually transmitted diseases amongst adolescents in a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ballroom dancing classes (or any other dance style where both genders Research Proposal

Ballroom dancing classes (or any other dance style where both genders would be happy to take part in) improve balance (dynamic) and decrease falls incidents in healthy older adults - Research Proposal Example has led to the initiation of more critical studies to explain how ballroom dance can remain tailored to boost balance and minimize falls incidences in older individuals. Inquiries into the physical activities note that, regular involvement in ballroom dance is vital to maintain one’s physical, emotional, and cognitive health (Bethancourt et al., 2013), besides, it can also be tailored towards the improvement of balance and reduction of falls incidences. Further, despite numerous advantages related to the exercise, many individuals fail to participate in any form of physical activities in sufficient periods (Park et al., 2014). The purpose of this study is to present a detailed report on the importance of engaging older adults in ballroom dance. As a form of physical activity, ballroom dance enhances balance and reduces falls instances among older individuals. Early research, epidemiological data, and surveys suggest an arrangement of groups to utilize the ballroom dance as a form of physical activity amid older individuals (Souza et al, 2015, p. 1). Two categories, that is, the conditions and practices related to health and demographic data have remained emphasized in the prediction of exercise among older individuals in the contemporary world. In relation to demography, age is perceivable to be less associated to exercise whilst high education levels show an increased trend of older adults in physical activities, particularly ballroom dance (Medina, Barquera, and Janssen, 2013, p. 21). Further, there is a significant relationship between ballroom dance and marital status. Studies show that ballroom dance serves as a substitution for social support among adult couples. On employment, people tend to be busy with the job demands and forget about exercises. Proposals argue that, after job, the people are too tired to be involved in dynamic physical activities like ballroom dance. The situation enhances negative behaviors in older adults in relation to this kind of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sleep health Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sleep health - Research Paper Example planned sleep is associated with various health deficiencies, which include loss of memory, distorted learning abilities and mood problems (Bonnet, 2011). Additionally, without enough sleep, it is naturally difficult for an individual to concentrate or focus. According to a research published in the Southern Medical Journal, sleep deprivation is one of the causes of the cardiovascular diseases, because sleep is essential for giving the heart and the vascular system the much needed rest (Brannon, Feist, & Updegraff, 2013). Sufficient sleep is especially important for adults, considering that they form the bulk of the productive workforce, thus requires being healthy and free of such sleep disorders that may hamper their productivity and effective duty performance. Therefore, increasing the percentage of adults who are able to get sufficient sleep on a daily basis is an important aspect of improving the general health and welfare of the society. Thus, the objective of this discussion is to seek ‘increasing the proportion of adults who get sufficient sleep’. The discussion will focus on female college students as the target community population. The proposed health promotion and disease prevention program is the combination of a wellness support program with prophylactic naps. According to the data from the National Institute of Health (NHI) that has been published in the Journal of Sleep medicine, 29% of the adult American population sleeps for less than 7 hours in a day (Schoenberg& Adams, 2009). Additionally, a study by the institute of medicine has indicated that between 50 and 70 million adults within the USA are suffering from diverse sleep and wakefulness disorders (Institute of medicine, 2006). Another data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has indicated that 10.1% of the whole adult population in the USA has reported having insufficient sleep annually (CDC, 2008). The study by the CDC indicated that among the 403,981 respondents that were

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Home solar applications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Home solar applications - Research Paper Example This could be as simple as ‘upgrading hot-water heating system or as complex as considering the application of green building design principles. Berry (88) reveals that these systems are known to use heat emitted from the sun for a number of household purposes including space, water and pool heating through radiant floors. Successful installation of an efficient solar domestic hot-water system translates to the drastic reduction of water heating, natural gas and electric bills. Tiwari (25) asserts that installation of solar power in homes guarantees financial paybacks in less than eight years. Solar power systems have been accurately designed to be used in almost any location even areas where there is little exposure to direct sunlight (Solar Technologies, 1). ` These systems operate on the principle of utilizing heat and light from the sun without influence mechanical devises. Passive solar systems are built on the principles of maximum energy efficiency. Glazed windows, heat absorbing thermal mass, south-facing windows, and overhangs are examples of passive solar design (Berry, 110). Additionally, these designs are commonly located on floors and walls that are exposed to direct light through southern windows. This solar power system uses light emitted by the sun to successfully excite photo electron in order to generate electricity. Consequently, solar modules are durable and require exceptionally minimal maintenance. This category of solar power systems is sub-divided into grid-tied systems (with or without battery backup) and off-grid systems the following illustration according Oksolar (1) are meant to give a clear impression solar electric. Figure 2 is a clear representation of a grid-tie system with backup power. This is very essential especially in the event of technical hitches that tend to tamper with the normal functioning of the entire system (Rutledge, 1). Figure 1 above is a basic grid-tie

Strategic Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 8

Strategic Management and Leadership - Essay Example That year it multiplied abroad deals to turn into the #1 air payload organization. In 2001 Fedex hit an arrangement with the United States Postal Service to transport mail shipments and Fedex drop boxes were set in post business locales. Today, Fedex has more than 275,000 individuals worldwide with a normal day by day volume of 7.5 million shipments. It serves in excess of 220 nations. Fedex Corp today positioned number one in client fulfillment in the Express Delivery industry. Our discussion would be the strategic analysis of Fedex as a company and in the event of doing so we will be looking into the business model, sustainability issues, the leadership approach, competitive advantage and the value chain infrastructure of the firm. Fedex is a worldwide shipping enterprise that gives services to purchasers and organizations around the world. Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, Fedex is headed by Fedex Corporation, which "gives vital heading and merged monetary reporting for the working organizations that contend altogether under the Fedex name around the world: Fedex Express, Fedex Ground, Fedex Freight, and Fedex Services." These organizations work under the aphorism of "work freely, contend on the whole and oversee synergistically." By working autonomously, every Fedex organization can center solely on conveying the best service for its particular market and abstain from squandering time and assets on issues unaffiliated with its centre business. Contending on the whole under the well-known Fedex name guarantees that the greater part of the working organizations profit from being a part one of the worlds most distinguished brands. Fedex is presently a $29 billion organization and posted incomes in abundance of $35.5 billion in financial 2009. From shipping only 186 bundles on its first day of operations in 1973, the organization has

Monday, July 22, 2019

Paniqui Water Essay Example for Free

Paniqui Water Essay Dried water lily stalks woven into fine handicrafts became the livelihood of women, housewives, out-of-school youths, and senior citizens of Paniqui, Tarlac, Philippines. A wide range of products like shoes, sandals, slippers, bags, baskets, wallets, pouches, belts, trays, placemats, boxes, tissue holders and many others can be crafted by Paniqui folks using stalks of dried water hyacinths. The ample visibility and fast growth of this plant caused a problem of obstructing the flow of water as the region is traversed with many rivers, swamps, and creeks, causing flooding during heavy rains. The local government started this project with 25 weavers which increased to 50 within 12 months as demand from local and foreign tourists poured out. The BusinessOver a wide variety of handicrafts can be made from dried water hyacinths. It’s light yet strong fiber property can be woven to different products according to the clients’ preferences. Because it is organic, it can be used for packaging of goods which will substitute plastics that are non-biodegradable. The abundant yield of high quality dried water lily straws with the hard-working weaving skills mean that the plant harvesters and weavers of Paniqui have very good potential to enter the market of producing high quality hand-made water lily handicrafts in different designs and products. Furthermore, the same raw materials and weaving techniques can be applied to develop a range of good quality and attractive water lily fashion ware like slippers and handbags. The production of the water lily baskets and boxes would be undertaken by the Paniqui Women Association and the PAGASA Youth Association both recognized and supported by the local government. High quality fabric materials for fastenings, linings, gloss, water-proofing, and highlights were sourced from the locality. Production of water lily mats, trays and other handicrafts would enhance the quality and value of products produced by the local groups and should give in a major income increase for their own households. The target market for water lily handicrafts would be predominately the local market of wealthier Filipinos, overseas Filipino workers, expats and foreigners. The local government unit of Paniqui plans to engage on supplying water lily handicrafts for wholesale to a number of domestic distributors and retail networks. The aim of water lily boxes, baskets, and handbags will primarily be environment conscious consumers who do not use plastic bags or plastic containers. These consumers and other unaware consumers will be targeted through direct marketing and direct and indirect advertising campaigns backed up by the local government unit of Paniqui, the Provincial Government of Tarlac, and the Department of Trade and Industry. There are three main market targets for the water lily handicrafts. The target for the water lily fashion items (mostly handbags, slippers, wallet, etc.) will be established domestic handicraft wholesalers and retailers in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, as well as exporters for the United States, Japan, and European markets. It is anticipated that domestic sales to cater to the large tourism market all over the Philippine islands will make up the majority of water lily fashion item sales. The target market for water lily handicrafts (mostly lampshade, decorative household products, placemats, etc.) will initially be the Filipino community living abroad. This embodies a significant market, as there are many Filipinos working around the world-over 860,000 not mentioning Filipino immigrants, so the overall potential market size is large. The main potential competitors would be other communities all over the country who also started this water lily weaving project, as this is promoted by the Department of Trade and Industry to local government units with trouble with the pesky water plant. Another is handicrafts made of other indigenous materials. Water lily products could compete well on the basis of price with other indigenous materials as the raw materials are freely harvested. The distinctive promotion about the water lily products is that they are well crafted by hand utilizing indigenous materials and the designs are decorative emphasizing the Filipino heritage. Also, the use of the product is very helpful to the environment as it substitutes the use of plastic materials and at the same time ceases the clogging of flow of water on rivers and creeks. However, the selling price of the handicrafts is very reasonable. The handicrafts could also be made to order. The Entrepreneur Management The water lily project started as a livelihood program for the Paniqui women, out-of-school youths, and senior citizens organized by the Local Government Unit of Paniqui. Management is directed by the Municipal Mayor with the help of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office. The Program is in coordination with the Provincial Government of Tarlac which also gives the needed promotional and advertising campaign with the national agency, the Department of Trade and Industry who assist the weavers for needed training and development. Development It started from 12 housewives to 25 women and youths and then to 50 within a year. Handcrafting eventually became a constructive activity for people who were once dawdling outside their homes playing cards and getting drunk the every day. Some weavers take their work at home with the whole family joining the making of the water lily handicrafts. While others chooses to work at the Paniqui Livelihood Center were materials are readily available. A household would earn roughly around three hundred pesos (Php 300) weekly during slack season and about six hundred pesos (Php 600) weekly during peak season. Before it became a livelihood program last August 2008, the conceptions for these water lilies are pests to the community as it hampers the flow of water in rivers and creeks during heavy rains causing flooding in the area. It is projected that by the fourth year of operation the total income for the workers from handcrafting activities could increase roughly 3 times by the year 2012.| Starting out as a backyard industry nearly a decade ago, the water lily handicraft business especially in Las Pià ±as City is booming as more people take notice of the wide range of products that can be made out of the plant that grow in abundance even in urban waterways. Some of these products were put on display at the 7th Water Lily Festival held on Thursday at Carnival Court, BF Resort Village, Las Pià ±as City, a brainchild of former Rep. Cynthia Villar that promotes water lily-based livelihood projects. These included baskets, trays, chests, bags, traditional bags (bayongs), hampers, cabinets, lamp shades of different shapes and sizes—and even a dining table complete with chairs. The smaller items range from coasters to slippers. But as an added demonstration of the plant’s artistic and commercial uses, the festival also featured a beauty pageant wherein contestants donned gowns fashioned completely from dried water lily stalks and leaves. â€Å"This goes to show that with creativity, you can do a lot with water lilies,† Villar said at the sidelines of the event. Villar noted that aside from providing livelihood for hundreds of families in Las Pià ±as, the water lily business has also cleaned up the city’s waterways. â€Å"The industry has become so successful our Zapote River is now free of water lilies and fish have begun breeding here again. We are now getting our water lilies from the Laguna de Bay, and I hope the lake will also be cleared of water lilies because of this business,† she said. Holiday season demand Sales go up during the holiday season when orders for popular Christmas gifts like baskets, trays, and ornamental pots shoot up. To cope with demand, the foundation hires about 100 more workers, in addition to the 50 who work during off-peak seasons. â€Å"It’s a very profitable business, especially since you really don’t need a big capital to start this up. You just need to harvest water lilies, dry them, and start working on them. So many workers become interested in this livelihood,† Torres said. How it works The recycling process is straightforward. Once harvested, the plants are dried under the sun and then cured in an oven. Then they cut, and bent around a wire frame and dyed before they are woven into craft articles. Step 1 Water Lily Stalk Harvesting Step 2 Sun drying Step 3 Oven drying Step 4 Wire cutting Step 5 Wire bending Step 6 Wire frame welding Step 7 Weaving Step 8 Trimming Step 9 Blow torching Step 10 Glue application Step 11 Varnishing Step 12 Finished product The finished items are tissue holders, baskets, hampers, and other products. Each item is sold per piece and the amount of money one takes home depends on one’s diligence. Because output is directly rewarded, workers are motivated to be more productive. Cynthia Villar highlighted the importance of water lily in improving the lives of Las Pià ±as residents by declaring the 27th of July as the day of the Water Lily Festival.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Los Angeles Lakers: A history

Los Angeles Lakers: A history The Lakers were founded in 1948 and named after Minnesota. They were named after Minnesota because it was the land of ten thousand lakes. The Lakers have become a great franchise because of their player and their great sportsmanship. Pro Basketball has been around since 1898, only seven years after the game was invented. The Lakers hired John Kundla as their first coach from Saint Thomas College. The Lakers then won the 1948 NBL Championship. The next year the team moved to BAA (which is another basketball league) and also won the Championship. In 1979 they moved to California. The old Lakers owner traded the team, The Forum and the Kings to Jerry Buss for a 70 million dollar deal. After the purchase, Jerry Buss wanted the Laker games to be the most exciting event in Los Angeles, so he introduced the Laker girls dance team. This attracted many viewers. In their half century of basketball, the Lakers have had many outstanding players and many memorable games. This has made many Los Angeles residences die hard fans. Their team colors are, purple gold and white. They have played in many world wide arenas. The following arenas are, Minneapolis Auditorium, Minneapolis Armory, L.A. Memorial Sports Arena and the Los Angeles Forum. The Lakers currently play at the Staple Center located in down town Los Angeles. Which can hold up to18,997 people per game. The NBA was formed in 1949 and the current coach of the Los Angeles Lakers is Phil Jackson. The Lakers have 14 championships, 29 conference titles and 28 division titles. They are currently in the Pacific Division, also in the Western conference. The Lakers are currently in the NBA finals vs the Boston Celtics. Some of the Lakers best memories began on, November 5th when the Lakers beat Baltimore and went onto winning 32 more games in a row. They lost their first game on January 9th to the Milwaukee Bucks ending their 32 game winning streak. In one of the many playoff games. In the playoffs the Lakers swept the Bulls. In the finals the Lakers played the Knicks. New York won the first game but that was it. The Lakers reeled off 4 straight victory wins. In 2000, 2001 and 2002 the Lakers wons back to back Championships. The Laker bacame the NBAs first Champions in the 1949 -50 season. In 1984 through 1985 Lakers finally beat the Boston Celtics in the finals. Over the years the Lakers have had many all star players on the team. The Lakers have one of the most exciting players, who is known as now MVP player Kobe Bryant. Bryant rose to national prominence in 1996 when he became the first guard in league history to be drafted out of high school. Bryant and then-teammate Shaquille ONeal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002. Since ONeals departure following the 2003-04 season, Bryant has become the cornerstone of the Lakers franchise, and was the NBAs leading scorer during the 2005-06 and 2006-07 seasons. In 2006, Bryant scored a career high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, the second highest number of points scored in NBA history. He was awarded the seasons MVP in the 2007-08 NBA season after leading his team to the 2008 NBA Playoffs as the first seed in the Western Conference. In 2003, Bryant made headlines when he was accused of sexual assault at a ski resort in Eagle, Colorado by a hotel employee. Bryant admitted an adulterous sexual encounter with the accuser, but denied the sexual assault allegation. In September 2004, prosecutors dropped the case after his accuser informed them that she was unwilling to testify. Bryants accuser brought a separate civil suit against him that was ultimately settled out of court. Later in the season, it was reported that Bryant would change his jersey number from 8 to 24 at the start of the 2006-07 NBA season. Bryants first high school number was 24 before he switched to 33. After the Lakers season ended, Bryant said on TNT that he wanted 24 as a rookie, but it was unavailable, as was 33, retired with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Bryant wore 143 at the Adidas ABCD camp, and chose 8 by adding those numbers. During the 2006-07 season, Bryant was selected to his 9th All-Star Game appearance, and on February 18, he logged 31 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists, and 6 steals, earning his second career All-Star Game MVP trophy. Here are some of the well known players in the Laker history. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Wilt Chamberlin, Magic Johnson, James Worthy and Jerry West. Jerry West became the only player in the NBA on the loosing team of the finals to win the MVP award. This is to show you how good the players were on the team, even though they lost. Jerry West picture is the NBA logo. It was taken when he was in college. The Los Angles Lakers are the 2nd most valuable team in the U.S.A., valued at 568 million dollars. They also have the 2nd most Championship following Boston. The Lakers are notable for having (at the end of the 2005-06) the most wins (2,905), the highest winning percentage (61.5%), the most finals appearances (28) of any NBA franchise, Lakers are still continuing their legacy and keeping their fans happy and proud. Im proud to say that Im a die hard Laker fan. Sources The Los Angeles Lakers Basketball Team By William W. Lace

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How Will Our Future Be? Essay -- essays research papers

How Will Our Future Be? The way the future is heading seems to be very clear but as before things may change. The time to come will never reveal itself until it has actually been. From this point of view I will try to describe the way I see the future coming our way. One of the major aspects when discussing the future is how will the law be handled and how power will be dealt with. Will we be able to decide for us self what we want to do with our lives and will the right of every individual be respected, as written in the constitution. There is no way I could be forced to believe otherwise. Our society today is made to decide if every citizen in Denmark should have some sort of card that you used for multiple things. Your health-insurance, driver's licence, personal identification and many other things. Some people say that this is the beginning to the completely government controlled society where your every move is followed by the administration. The year is 2096. We are standing in the airport near Copenhagen. A lot of people are walking by with their net-agents. A small computer-program that has been trained to inform you on all the things that you find interesting. To identify themselves they have their citizen-card plugged into the device. An agent is calling our net-computer. He wishes to inform us about all the activities in Copenhagen today but of course only the ones he knows we might be interested in. The agents are a very handy invention which was created in t...

Terrorisms Effects on the World Essay -- Terrorism Violence Ethnicity

Terrorism's Effects on the World Ethnic conflicts arise everyday among people in society. Although problems between the populace have changed in the present generation, ethnic issues have been apparent since the beginning of time. Some of the modern cultural conflicts can range from terrorism to religious wars. Terrorism has been a predicament throughout the entire world ever since the day man was created. It seems to be the answer to many leaders’ issues with â€Å"foreign† people. Not only is terrorism harmful itself in many ways, it causes new problems that worsen every situation. For example, terrorism is presently forcing many countries around the world, including the United States, to change their life styles, political processes, and even their economic values as a reaction to the threats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although terrorism begins in one particular area, it seems to spread to other regions as well, even though not exactly to the same extent. For example, in the United States, there were consecutive bombings and suicide attacks during a short period of time. Considering that this causes paranoia, other countries began to create new laws and restrictions in order to protect its people, even though the attacks weren’t necessarily focused towards that specific region. As an immediate response to the terrorism, the United States government changed in many ways, from restricting the citizens’ rights, to ending certain public activities, up to restricting entrance into certain buildings. The government even began to limit the media. Similarly to the United States, on September 22nd, the Russian parliament was debating on which possible new restrictions and laws can be enforced in order to â€Å"guarantee† better national security. New laws in the United States, such as the right to declare a â€Å"state of war ,† make the country seem as if it has more power than neighboring areas, helping to comfort any fearful, or paranoid, citizens. Terrorism, as well as other ethnic conflicts, has even caused the people of Asia-Pacific countries to create new laws in reaction to the threats, simply because they became intimidated. An article in the Financial times stated that it is trying to boost their â€Å"political momentum† behind the battle of terrorism, promising to take practical steps to improve their co-operation . New laws were being considered, due to the fear and security levels o... ...ked and used as hideouts. For example, Russia, South America, and certain sections of the United States are simple targets because of the land and the population densities, unlike places such as the Sahara Desert. Of course, if a terrorist truly wanted to mass murder a group, they would simply set off a nuclear explosion. This would obviously create a complete new set of problems along with those that we have already discussed. Personally, I believe wars shouldn’t be encouraged, and honestly, I don’t suppose that it results in any positive feedback whatsoever. Although I don’t completely agree with how Russia, Indonesia, South America, and Darfur are dealing with their terrorist problem, I still consider it a good idea to think forward and make plans on how to overcome cultural problems. Terrorism has caused many countries around the world, to change their daily values and their economic priorities, as well as their whole political framework as a response to ethnic conflicts. Terrorism has been a common answer among leaders regarding intercultural problems among â€Å"different† people ever since mankind was created. Ethnic conflict is now becoming a new, everyday aspect of life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Eye Strain as a Result of Computer Use :: Technology Computers Health Vision Essays

Eye Strain as a Result of Computer Use In the twentieth century, technology is at an all time high in the world. This technology includes research, stock market shares, computers, medical advances, and a vast variety of other things. Among the advanced technology is a break through of computer use. Almost everyone at sometime in their day is using a computer for one task or another. Computers have taken the world and reshaped the possibilities of ideas and dreams in the past decade. Millions of people are using a computer daily according to Anshel (1996). This work on the computer can ran range from five minutes a day to eight hours a day depending on they type of job a person holds. Today's job market, employees are accustomed to working with a computer. This could include data entry clerks, an internet consultant, a bank teller, a librarian, and especially secretaries. The field is open to just about anyone. Often overlooked are the students that use computers on a daily basis. Many college students depend on the use of computers classes whether it be for fun or recreational use. Sometimes the convience of using computers comes with a high price to pay. The National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) says that eyestrain is the leading problem in computer use. This even exceeds such common problems as carpal tunnel syndrome. (Atencio 1996) Eyestrain and eye fatigue lead to many other complications if it is a continuous problem. One of these problems includes myopia. There are many ways of relieving eye fatigue and helping the symptoms of myopia. These problems can be onset in younger years when children are in school. Since most schools in the country are using computers as a main source of education, eyestrain can be a linked to myopia. There are many options people or companies have to improve the conditions under which the person is working. Eyestrain is defined as blurred or double vision, burning, irritation, headaches, gritty eye sensation, eye fatigue, neck and shoulder pain, color perception change, decreased visual efficiency, more frequent errors and reduced efficiency. (Atencio 1996, Palmer 1993, Nunoo 1997) Eyestrain is also known as asthenopia. It simply means visual strain. (Palmer 1993) Dr. Paul F. Bommarito also said that 88% of heavy computer users experience these problems. (Fletcher 1996) Palmer suggest that eye fatigue is often caused by the eye muscles becoming tired much like other muscles in our body.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Critical Analysis of Mark Antony’s Funeral Speech Essay

Of all Shakespeare’s works , Julius Caesar is a play that hinges upon rhetoric – both as the art of persuasion and an artifice used to veil intent. The most striking of Shakespeare is his command of language. In Mark Antony’s funeral oration for Caesar, we have not only one of Shakespeare’s most recognizable opening lines but one of his finest examples of rhetorical irony at work. The speech could serve as a thematic synopsis to Julius Caesar. One of the most important and significant parts in the play is the funeral speech given by both Brutus and Mark Antony. At first, the funeral speeches seem to have no true significant meaning. However in further investigation it is established that the speeches ultimately serve as the basis for the final outcome of the play. By exploring the speeches of both Brutus and Mark Antony we are able to focus on the important details which alter one from the other. Through this analysis we are also able to realize why Brutus’s speech becomes one of his justifications and explanations, while Antony’s becomes one of manipulation and skill. It is known that both Brutus and Antony desired to appeal to the common people. However, the way in which each man went about it differs drastically. Not only did it influence the outcome of the play, but each speech also offers a unique insight on each of the speakers. Brutus’s speech Brutus’s speech becomes one of acquittal, not only for the people of Rome, but for Brutus himself. He uses his â€Å"honor and nobility† as a shield to defend and justify his actions to the crowd. Brutus states that he has carried out this horrendous act because of his love for Rome, and for the good of the people. â€Å"This is my answer, not that I have loved Caesar less, but that I love Rome more†¦ (3. 2. 21-22). In his speech he requests that the people use their â€Å"reason† to judge him. Although this seduces the crowd, it is not until after one of the common people cry â€Å"Let him be Caesar. † (3. 2. 51) that it is realized the speech is â€Å"merely too good for them. † Brutus begins to realize that liberty is not what the people wanted, but rather that they desire a powerful leader. Although his speech serves the purpose for its practical effectiveness, Brutus later comes to discover that his lack of insight of human nature aided in the apparent hopelessness of his cause. In comparison Mark Antony fully understands human nature and uses his awareness of it in his speech. Antony appeals to the passion and the grief of the people. What Brutus failed to recognize in the people, Antony used to his best interest. He realized that the people of Rome were completely incapable of acting with â€Å"reason† and he employed this inability to manipulate and control their emotions and actions. By using Brutus’ own explanations for Caesar’s death to begin his speech, Antony proves his validity to the crowd. By questioning Caesar’s ambition, yet never actually humiliating the conspirators; He succeeds in purposely leading the crowd away from any rational defense provided by Brutus. Antony uses his own grief along with a series of lies to remove the sympathy of the people. Through his powerful and honest speech he is able to cast a shadow of doubt into the minds of the people, and the crowd begins to gaze at the true motive behind Caesar’s murder. Antony understands the needs and wants of the people and uses this to prey upon their emotions and passions. He dangles Caesar’s Will in front of the people and then quickly puts it away again, knowing that the crowd will demand that it be read. Antony also recalls memories of the cloak Caesar now wears, while revealing his bloodied body, fully aware of the havoc it will reek, but unrelenting in his quest for revenge. Antony’s Speech Antony’s performance on the bully pulpit came as no surprise. To be sure, Antony does not have it easy. He is already a man distrusted by the conspirators for his friendship with Caesar. Brutus lets him speak at Caesar’s funeral, but only after Brutus,a great orator in his own right, has spoken first to â€Å"show the reason of our Caesar’s death†. Burtus makes it very clear that Antony may speak whatever good he wishes of Caesar so long as he speaks no ill of the conspirators. Obviously Antony has two advantages over Burtus: his subterfuge and his chance to have the last word. It is safe to say that Antony makes the most of his opportunity. He even mocks the senators and merely sets the table for dissent. He progressively hits upon the notes of ambition and honourable in a cadence that soon calls both terms into question. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears; From a rhythmic perspective, the trochaic feel of this opening immediately commands attention. The succession of hard stresses is also Shakespeare’s way of using the verse to help Antony cut through the din of the crowd. Antonoy also echoes the opening line that Brutus uses [â€Å"Romans, countrymen and lovers†],but conspicuously rearranges it; where Brutus begins with â€Å"Romans† to reflect his appeal to their reason, Antony begins with â€Å"friends†, which reflects the more emotional tact he will take throughout the rest of his speech. Remember also that Antony has entered the Forum with Caesar’s body in tow and will use corpse as a prop throughout his oration. Antony follows with a line of straight iambic pentameter punctuated with a feminine ending [ â€Å"I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him]. Here is the first irony of Antony’s speech, in that he is unequivocally here to praise Caesar. Antony is, in fact, lying. Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral,Antony returns to the actual predicate of his statement with innocuous metrical regularity. The line is all but a throway; Antony doesn’t want the crowd dwelling on the idea that he is speaking here by permission. The preceding parenthetical insertion of Brutus and the rest being â€Å"honourable men† displace his emphasis and lessens the impression that Brutus holds sway over him. In doing so, Antony effectively obeys the letter of his agreement without yielding to its spirit. But Brutus says he was ambitious; Antony contrasts his experience with what Brutus has said. The obvious implication is that Brutus and Antony have different views of Caesar. The more subtle implication is that since both men have claimed him as their friend, they have equal authority to speak on the subject of Caesar’s disposition. Antony, however, has the advantage of not needing to justify his actions. Instead, Antony can focus on sawing the limb out from under Brutus’s argument. And Brutus is an honourable man. At this point, Antony is still ostensibly speaking well of Brutus—at least to the crowd. A plebian might think that at worst, perhaps, either Antony or Brutus has made an honest mistake in his judgment of Caesar. On the other hand, the words says, ambitious, and honourable are becoming impossible to miss. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; This is the third time in this speech that Antony utters this refrain. Every time he says this, it draws Brutus in an increasingly harsher light. The recurring repetition amplifies the question in the mind of the audience, There is a rather obscure rhetorical term for this technique; it’s known as repotia, which describes using the same phrase with minor variations in tone, diction, or style. My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, The regular iambic rhythm of the line and the feminine ending both help soften this line’s tone, which contrasts the high fervor of â€Å"O judgment! † It’s a simple metaphor that holds up well four centuries later. To Antony’s credit, the sentiment is grounded in his love for Caesar; it’s also quite telling of the character that he’s able to use this emotion in such a cynical enterprise. Throughout his speech Antony calls the conspirators honorable men. He then says, â€Å"You [the crowd] all did love him once, not without cause. What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? † This question goes against Brutus by questioning his speech when he betrayed Caesar. Now the crowd is starting to turn against the conspirators and follow Antony. Even though in his speech Antony never directly calls the conspirators traitors, he is able to call them â€Å"honourable† in a sarcastic manner that the crowd is able to understand. He starts out by citing that Caesar had thrice refused the crown, which refutes the conspirators’ main cause for killing Caesar. He reminds them of Caesar’s kindness and love for all, humanizing Caesar as innocent. Next he teases them with the will until they demand he read it, and he reveals Caesar’s ‘gift’ to the citizens. Finally, Mark Antony leaves them with the question, was there ever a greater one than Caesar? which infuriates the crowd. He then turns and weeps. Antony then teases the crowd with Caesar’s will, which they beg him to read, but he refuses. Antony tells the crowd to â€Å"have patience† and expresses his feeling that he will â€Å"wrong the honourable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar† if he is to read the will. The crowd yells out â€Å"they were traitors† and have at this time completely turned against the conspirators and are inflamed about Caesar’s death. Antony uses the â€Å"Ceremonial† mode of persuasion in order to convince his audience that Caesar is not worthy of honor and praise. Antony must use â€Å"pathos† in order to appeal to the emotion of the audience. He must understand the disposition of the audience in order to successfully persuade his audience that Caesar truly was an ambitious man. â€Å"†¦ Bear with me; / my heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, / And I must pause till it come back to me. † (JC III ii 47) Marc Antony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral was so cunning and powerful that it caused the crowd’s loyalties to sway. Prior to Marc Antony’s oration the crowd favored Brutus and the conspirators. However, Marc Antony’s compelling discourse caused the plebeians to support him, and not Brutus. Marc Antony used three literary devices during his funeral oration, rhetorical question, sarcasm, and repetition, to successfully persuade the crowd. Although the crowd was supportive of the conspirators after Brutus’s speech, Marc Antony’s use of sarcasm in his funeral oration caused them to rethink who they should support. Conclusion Although both of Caesar’s funeral speeches seem to serve the basic purpose of appealing to the people, their dissimilarity serves as a great significance. Brutus’ speech, which appeared to be, honest becomes a speech of symmetrical structure, balanced sentences, ordered procedure, rhetorical questions and abstract subject matter, and ultimately became a speech of utter dishonesty. This along with Brutus’ lack of human insight aided in his inevitable downfall. Mark Antony’s speech on the other hand, for all its playing on passions and all its lies, proved to be at the bottom a truly honest speech because of Antony’s unconditional love for Caesar. To that extent Antony had truth on his side, making him concrete and real rather then abstract, and with this aided in his successful victory.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Quality Improvement Plan Essay

For much than a decade, Via Christi has sponsored a variety of initiatives designed to alter the calibre of c are provided. These efforts hold back busy staff, patients and physicians at all levels within the infirmary to measure and improve the fictional character and galosh of patient care. At times these initiatives father seen success and failures, but with the recent touch for our big sustain smell is the major(ip) focus. The physicians, nurses, other clinicians and administrative happeners irresistibly agreed that Via Christi should adopt the goal of cut d take in serious safety events by 80 percent over the next leash years.Performance Measurement and Quality expediency Performance measurement is known as the collecting and abbreviation of data to get wind how an establishment forget reach its authority (The Joint Commission, 2013). Often this sign of analysis is seen in engineering, with the recent push in Via Christi, Lean design and Six Sigma shadowy be lts have joined the team up in role. A good physical exercise of slaying measurement is through The Joint Commission. They have out cable televisiond a set of military operation development methodology that is considered the gold ideal in wellness care today.By meeting these measure infirmarys can intention at an optimal level regarding flavor care. Quality improvement consists of systematic and sustained actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups (U. S. Department of wellness and Human Services, 2013). It would be hard to non have quality improvement and non have some type of carrying out measurement to guide the work. Therefore, you take up quality improvement to have some type of quality measurement.Via Christis Mission, Services, GoalsVia Christi provides a full range of services for the community, from rehab to acute care, with a new dedicated focus on long-term care. The mission of Via Chri sti is derived from the Sister of the pathetic Mother and the Sisters of St. Francis and reads as Inspired by the Gospel and our Catholic tradition, we serve as a healing presence with fussy concern for our neighbors who are vulnerable (Via Christi Hospitals, 2012). At this time Via Christi is embarking on a tour of big aim, which means decrease serious safety events by cardinal percent in three years.An example of how the hospital specifically will take over this goal is with the work of our central line committee, which is comprised of nursing, Six Sigma black belt engineers, and physicians. This team is recapitulationing current process and implementing new concepts. habit of Consumers and Quality Indicators The role of patient, families, and friends is one of combat-ready engagement with Via Christi. As Via Christi launches into its big aim campaign there is a need for these individuals to help lead the changes through industrious participation.An example of this type of engagement is how a patients son sensed the care of his mother during a hospital stay. The son later contacted the unit handler and offered some feedback regarding the stay, as the unit handler listened she realized that the family had some valid points, much(prenominal) as the long time diabetic mother being allowed to do her own blood sampling and peritoneal dialysis treatments as she was use to at home. So often we take over for the patient in the name of policy, when we could have the patient as an active participant.Some of the external resources easy to our community regarding quality indicators would be with The jump Frog Group. Leap Frog follows quality indicators for hospitals and then issues a grade connect to findings. Some of the specific quality indicators for Via Christi are related to central line contagion rates, foreign bodies left after performance and respiratory failure after a surgical procedure. Consumers can access this chain reactor to obtain t he information and then beg questions related to findings.This information helps the consumer to be more participative and informed. Feedback Used to Improve Quality At Via Christi, they are just starting to control the consumer into the equation on quality care. The clinical Practice Council has been formed with all of the dissimilar stakeholders to provide the feedback necessary on quality care. The group of physicians, nurses, hospital administrators, and consumers work to review core measures and clinical findings. This group will then make recommendation on how to help move the organization forward.The hospital is working towards being a utmost reliability organization, through high quality outcomes and patient gladness. Conclusion Via Christi serves a roomy range of individuals from all generations. As this organization moves forward toward their big aim view of reducing the serious safety events by 80 percent in three years, the consumer will be at the steer helping t o guide the decision with feedback, by active participation in councils and satisfaction surveys. All of this work will lead to high quality care being provided to all.

Manage Continous Organisational Improvement Essay

Abstr consummationThe sector of healthc ar is racy for living that no unmatched whitethorn deny. The everywhereture of technology has been a b littleing in secrete for human health. propagation atomic number 18 g integrity when commonwealth wasting diseased to deferment in long queues to hazard for attention from the doctors and paramedical cater. The governments of the innovation were in wish manner accountable to non right utilising the healthc are setup. In m any(prenominal) a(prenominal) a(prenominal) parts of the world, it was equable deemed as forbidden until the approaching of 21st ascorbic acid.Manage Continuous Organisational expediency gate instructionThe sector of healthcare is critical for living that no whiz whitethorn deny. The advancement of technology has been a blessing in disguise for human health. Times are gone when mass used to wait in long queues to induct attention fromthe doctors and paramedical stave. The governments of the world were alike responsible to not becomingly utilising the healthcare setup. In many parts of the world, it was still deemed as forbidden until the advent of 21st Century (Alison 2012).DISCUSSION transform take a leak it a way of lifement is something everyone thrives upon be it a business or medical science. For effective hop on in any field of study, what matters the to the highest degree is a come up laid show up and halal perform proposal. For casing in business arena, gaining momentum is heavy in terms of financial surveys. For it one who is touch in business m aginginess be beaten(prenominal) with implementing a business plan to the suitable effect. The push-go and the foremost aspect is how much investment would be required for the project to be underinterpreted.Every region encourages topics and the surpass way to be get byn for this affair is to act out something creative. In any aspect of profession, planning plays a vital role as healthy as a ttention. In all told most all the line of influence, there is need for budgeting, staffing along with separate strategizing options.In the context of internationalization and global economy, reassign commission becomes evident when we observe that companies are overlooking the global parameters of a business where stir is constant. In the context of this ex win over, outsourcing is global strategical alliance that fosters a winning international strategy.The implementation of the polity of health is a complex topic that in incorporates abstract models. It is all well-nigh the guiding principles, rules, and regulations that croak to usable strategies. on that point are several one essentialiness be familiar with in order to action explicit healthcare policy. To understand it, the cognition with health policy or governmental law is key. These withal comprise of bring of funding along with decisions hearn at decentralised or national level. These widely effect upon how to deliver much(prenominal) services (Alison 2012).The coeval healthcare concept incorporates people from mixed handle associate to medical technology including surgical equipment and medications. entryway to evidence from medical and health research as well as latest information is also included within. The area of healthcare is notably one of the few areas which is blessed by heavy expense of the governments and the mortals alike.Alternatively the individual with less income is forced to buckle under a higher co pay and allowable for a lesser amount of coverage (Alison 2012).SCENARIOYou shed recently taken on the role of channelize manager in an memorial tablet. The establishment has decided to break in the concept of continuous make-upal advantage and you nurture been asked to preface this phylogeny. Before embarking on this work you decide that it is essential for you to complete some expand thinking in a subroutine of detect areas.In carrying ou t this assignment you should either use an system of rules you get hold of or currently work for. You moldiness(prenominal)iness have a bun in the oven a go at it this system of rules well at a strategic level. Alternatively you should use the facial expression study satisfying housed.Firstly you need to give careful setting of how a culture of continuous arrangingal overture pass on be created.The run of diversify is inevitable in every arranging and NHS is no different. Mr. kingly has been plant as a new Change manager for NHS and is a dedicated individual who knows how to run things for the reach of the government. He has been running(a)s in many reputable system of ruless and so he is also familiar with psychological science of police squad working alongside him.Mr. gallant knows that all employees of NHS go forth need his active endorse to get the job make. For this routine, exponentiation of staff and planning at early stage are a key to sur e success to bring the action of mixed bag. It essential(prenominal)(prenominal) also be noted that the policies to bring commute must not oppose organisational policies such as redundancy, reorganisation and redeployment (Elizabeth 2012).Before progressing any further, it is measured that people within NHS must have idea of what convince is all about. in that location are many types of compounds including the ones instigated from ideas within NHS whereas some come from beyond the organisation. an different(prenominal) ideas include temporary and permanent ones all working for benefit of the organisation (Elizabeth 2012).Since NHS is a complicated organisation thus many flips within are not clearly defined. In a typical organisational interchange model, new ways of working, unfamiliar team structures, processes and turn are encompassed. Speaking individually, changes make at staff level can bring out pessimism, optimism, motivation, energy, fervor and excitement to fear, fear, challenge, resistance, ambiguity and dread on variousinstances. The fear within the staff is imputable to the concerns over new management and workload as well as job security and pensions. hence various emotions can come into play and leads to distraction from development and provision of service. The staffs of NHS are go under to deal with anxiety which may be due to anticipating change.Surely, it will take Mr. Regal to get to know about the employees and the old standards that have been the hall mark of success for NHS. However, these techniques of the knightly wont at last long and thus change in the system is mandatory. gum olibanum it is significant to introduce such techniques that are part and proportion of new day mechanism (Gallouj & Djellal 2011).Mr. Regal knows what is the cardinal reason of downfall of organizations i.e. those who are not free to manage or identify change in human components. He has been performing his services as a freelance co nsultant for last 10 years. He suggests that the involvement of the individuals working within the organisation is undeniable so that the way of thinking and demeanour may be altered. Now this may see to be easier said than by means of with(p) as it requires gross(a) utilisation, clipping and motivation.The change in behaviour may not be easily measurable or achievable since the elements of humans are unable to get attention they require. As a line manager, it is the avocation of Mr. Regal to lead from the front to identify and manage such human elements. NHS must also harbor in mind that the change of initiatives must not go beyond the desired capacity. If it go ons, the key resources required may turn uncontrollable. The extra workload must be shared by senior support and managers concord to the resources and plan of action (Gallouj & Djellal 2011).Before get-go anything, what matters the most is planning same is with organisational change. It is never late for peopl e to accept what comes within that change process. They find it difficult to adjust or absorb to change and also for the management, it is not an easy task. They may have to face various reactions to it including temporary reductions in cognitive process measurements and activity. For this intent, a true timetable must be provided which may give the employees enough time to get ready. This may also produce the opposition desired by Mr. Regal and the new management of NHS (Karen, denim & Gretl 2012). clarification/RATIONALEThe second touchstone is to what the outcomes of it may be the Clarification/Rationale. For this, it is meaning(a) that the management is familiar with measurable outcomes. Mr. Regal and his team managing all must have a comprehensive vision that may lead NHS to new developments. The staff may get affect by the change being use.COMMUNICATION & appointmentMr. Regal knows that in order to have proper implementation of plans, the doctors, nurses as well as o ther workers in NHS must have trustingness. For this purpose, it is essential that they must have recognition of benefits and responsibilities, acceptance, understanding, will, interest, and sensation. This could only be achieved if proper strategy regarding effective conference and involvement is raddled (Karen, Jean & Gretl 2012).It is important that all the stake holders of NHS must be taken in confidence in front the implementation of policy. The communication between the both parties is vital to reach a break through. Ineffective communication may result in difference of popular opinion. Thus by implementing proper communication skills, effective involvement can be ensured.RISK ASSESSMENTMr. Regal suggests that implementing the process of change within NHS may be easier said than done provided that proper planning is implemented. provided with a process of change also comes the whole step of fear from within such as ostracize reactions, doubt, change in working and loc ation. This is something that must be assessed at the earliest and must be done by a competent team. They are the individual who look to safeguard the interests of working assorts specially the dangerous people who may get impacted by the change. For this purpose, an implementation plan must be knowing fit to the time frame of change (Karen, Jean & Gretl 2012).MONITORINGMonitoring within the organisation is undeniable to know about the activities the employees are engaged in. This also depends on what type of change is being implemented within the organisation. In many organisations the best way to get feedback is to make use of various perspectives. The best form of monitoring can be done on the basis of complaints, features, reports, opinion, outputs, behaviour and levels of error.It is not necessary for techniques of monitoring to be elaborate only they must be appropriate and timely. disdain of its effectiveness, it may be considered as violation of privacy matters of th e employees. umpteen organisations make use of various tools including the audio monitors and cameras. The employees too may enjoy various benefits of monitoringincluding the safety measures. Many organisations including the hospitals and banks make use of close circuit boob tube systems (CCTV) to monitor for safety.ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNINGMr. Regal is of opinion that NHS must implement organisational scholarship which facilitates board for improvement. He explains that only those organisations that are willing to listen from their mistakes and ready to transform succeed. This phase of eruditeness may not necessarily be a beneficial one. There might be a possibility that any individual within NHS may learn except not share with his team mates. Similarly, the subordinates in NHS may not be share the information learnt due to its policies.In order for NHS to become a learning organisation, it is important that it is ready to change, learn and adapt. In like a shots competitive marketplace, an organisation of importtaining its position in rapid changing environment is a furrowed ask. Everyday constant developments are being made thus providing corporations to transform into learning organisation. Mr. Regal believes that NHS has a capability to provide platform for learning. This may be stored in the minds of the people as well as the organisational memory in form of written documents, policies and procedures. If NHS successfully transforms itself as a learning organisation, it may amplify the prospects by creating practices (Neil, & Jo 2013).In order for NHS to prosper according to the modern phenomenon of change, it is important that it must learn from take directly as well as others. The organisation may directly learn from experience by working on procedures of incremental refinement. Mr. Regal explains that it is earthy for an organisation like NHS to be faced with number of obstacles including the lack of learning orientation. This is one of the most important of all the barriers in any organisation.These may be further classified into three types environmental, individual/ separate and organisational. In order for NHS to progress, thepeople within the working group must have an active mind. The barriers of learning within an organisation include management practices and corporate culture. Besides that concern from external stake holder, industries, and macrocosm policy results in external barriers.EMBEDDING ORGANIZATIONAL variegateMr. Regal suggests that NHS must act according to the standards of modern day organisation. Like others, it must introduce initiatives of change regularly perhaps on multiple levels too. Mr. Regal emphasises that proper process of research postulate to be implemented on total lumber management. This in turn will build cultures of compliance and health.As an organisation NHS has ever worked on phenomenon of high quality care for all. Today, many lede organisations throughout the world are i nstruction on system of the organisation and system health at the same time. These are linked with a promise that quality work today may pave way for tomorrows high-quality work. The hallmark of a healthy organisation is that they embed culture promoting engagement, trustingness and openness. They achieve it on the basis of learning and improvement process.In nigh all the organisations, there are often impertinent aspects hidden. In NHS, the priority is the measurement of higher outcomes such as race health. The founding principle of NHS has always been high quality care for all (HQCfA). The main point of focus is how this may be achieved emphatically. For this purpose the priority of work is done is patient and population which is deemed as weakest link.WHAT IS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT? flavour improvement is something that every organisation must thrive upon. There are various approaches and definitions and may be to a greater extent fruitful than the other one. In medical practice , the purpose of quality improvement is to look for ways to provide break away services and care. Mr. Regal says that change management may only be effective if the team performs as a singleunit.Quality Improvement is a team process at its core. When the destiny are right the team perform according to different perspectives, knowledge, skills and experience. This back ups in bringing out improvements that last long and is beneficial for the entire team as one unit. In order for the program to be successful, it is important that the top leaders as well as the employee support the process of change. Both soft and quantitative methods are employed for the process of Quality Improvement. This helps for improvement of safety, effectiveness and efficiency.NHS has always thrived on leadership and engagement for improvement. Every organisation has a room for improvement in one way or another. Same is with NHS as assessed by Mr. Regal along with his management team. As a matter of fact c hanges needed in NHS include changes made on a drastic level. Change management is a process of transition from current to new mode.It is important for the individuals to be ready for the change. The stolon and the foremost step, is focusing on the ability of leadership. Mr. Regal must act as a role model for other employees within NHS to follow. He must set an example that becomes cornerstone of the organisation. He must implement rules and regulations that mayhap followed in the long run.As a leader, he must avoid using thought process that creates separation in form of perks. Mr. Regal knows that talk of the town to people working in the organisation on policy matter will restore their trust on him. Also he may be able to know about the problems faced by the employees and solve them individually. Two other aspects that matters the most are passion and genuineness.IDENTIFIES AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENTIn order to bring change within NHS, each working group must know what role they nee d to play. They must realise importance of their role in the process and consider it as a historical one. As a supreme command, it is the duty of Mr. Regal to pass by with each and everyone involved in the process. Those who have concerns regarding the change need to be saluteed at the earliest. In order to bring down frustration, Mr. Regal must keep in mind the six phases that hypothesise the reaction of the people affected by the change. furbish up OF THE PROPOSED CHANGESANTICIPATION Many of the employees are anxious what the change may be and how will have an impact on them. Such employees are unable to know what it has for or against them and dont know what to expect. brush This is the stage where people discover that something good or bad is passing play to happen. Many times they are able to figure out that the plan of change has already been initiated.REALIZATION The third phase is of fruition where the impact of the change is in front of the people. The results will alwa ys be different as clear by the people.DEPRESSION Besides being understanding people take down to know the outcome of the change that makes them emotional. They depress to mourn on the past but cant do anything about it leading to stress and depression.ACCEPTANCE In this phase, people begin to acknowledge the process of change both emotionally and intellectually. In any organisational setup, people at first have some reservation but perceive the benefits may change their opinion. Nevertheless, there is no reassurance to it. sagacity In this last phase, people begin to call into question how they were able to manage the old ways while this change has turned out to be more(prenominal) fruitful to them.EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ORGANISATIONAL ACTIVITIESBringing change management and to make it work effectively is not a piece of cake for anyone. A consultant like Mr. Regal too will require time to convince employees working within NHS. For this purpose, it is imp ortant that why to bring out the best service from the organisation the world has ever seen.It is important that the management and the staff both support one another for the science of the goals desired. As a unit both of the organisation stake holders need to understand the importance of the decision. The plan is to make NHS sustainable and best value organisation for the benefit of the people.This model of Change in NHS vows for the improvement collectively in terms of experience and knowledge. This process may also take into account cause employees of NHS who had a history of quality services within the organisation.Since its birth, the organisation of NHS has worked for the benefit of humanity. Today it stands tall as the largest organisation of Europe dedicated to provide detailed healthcare services at minimal or low rate. Mr. Regal hopes with his new change policy, the organisation may become the largest healthcare organisation in the entire world. However, for that purpose , proper mechanism of work needs to be planned. The day when NHS was born, it comprised of more or less 14 regional hospital boards. Today it is also known to be the extensive employer of the nation (Nigel 2011).CHANGES indispensable INTRODUCING IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ORGANISATIONAL ACTIVITIESNHS may benefit a lot from change process by introducing improvements to the activities of the organisation. In aiming for continuous improvement, NHS must market what they work for i.e. healthcare services. Mr. Regal emphasises that proper planning leads all the way to success for organisations initiating change.Despite this change process being beneficial to the organisation like NHS,but there are certain things that may turn against if the management isnt prepared. These challenges may be because of not creating ample room for improvements, sluggish adoption, work surroundings, resistance and ultimately not creating the necessary improvements for the organization. If in future NHS further aim s to make itself better by bringing in new concepts, they must know how to manage and operate it effectively (Nigel 2011).To begin with changes need to be done must be planned first but implemented gradually. This may help in bringing helpful change to one and all. The employees must be taken into confidence for the implementation of policy and thus building awareness is important. Inform the employees, inviting them to be the part of change process. accommo particular date an announcement and publish it via intranet besides informing the employees by meeting them. It is also important to mention the date and time of the process to take effect. Involve in all the employees of the company so that documentation programming or minutes of meeting can be carried out (Nigel 2011).It is important to satisfy the employees that the change that is going to happen is for betterment of the organisation. Those who have questions or concerns related to it need to be satisfied. The employees are mainly concerned with how the policy change may affect them. For this purpose, it is important for Mr. Regal to remain calm and patient and address the situation effectively. In order for the assistance of the employees, he must provide documentation for the changes going to happen within NHS. Write step by step instructions things required for the completion of expected process. To help out the employees of NHS, he must offer practice and training programs so that they may learn about the new procedures.It is not necessary to implement changes long it may require slow but forward-looking steps towards the change. The best way is to make changes one at a time. It may help the employees to learn about new procedures before moving to contiguous step. Feedback from the staff involved is also important as comments, suggestions, ideas or concerns may help to move to the contiguousmilestone. This may also help the employees getting hand-to-hand to Mr. Regal and they may understand p rocess in far better way. Also it is his responsibility what employees have to say about the possible changes in the procedure. Do appreciate where credit is due when any employee comes up with suitable alternative or suggestion. Mr. Regal must be open to all the employees of NHS and thus firmness any questions that emerge in their minds.In case of success motivate employees by giving them clench through barbecues or pizza parties. This helps to bridge the spread head between the management and the employees. The engagement of variety of people such as user groups, as clinicians, administrative staff and patients is also helpful for the improvement of the services. This way conflicts within an organisation may also be avoided.AGREE AND COMMUNICATE THE PROPOSED CHANGES WITH STAKEHOLDERSBefore approaching the stake holders Mr. Regal and team has to go through perfect(a) research. The best way of it is to accompany with the group of experts having good networks. Their role will be to conduct virtuoso storming sessions to the people and groups associated. Make a list of the changes associated with NHS and exhibit it on laptop or flipchart.On finalising the names in the list, then the stakeholders must be logical according to affect, power and influence. There are 9Cs in healthcare service are Competitors, Commissioners, Customers, Collaborators, Contributors, Channels, Commentators, Consumers, and Champions.CONCLUSIONChange management is essential part of business and so do healthcare industry. Both of them rely upon the use of technology, organisational structure, management systems and processes. A hierarchy of organisation includes the bureaucratic processes and chain of command. For this purpose approval with the management is considered mandatory. Thus the roles of employees and leaders are well defined one has to obey the order while theother has to command. audiencesAlison, Hann (2012) wellness Policy and Politics Ashgate Publishing, Ltd ISBN 140949 120X, 9781409491200 pp 150-151.Elizabeth, McCormick (2012) Change for the Better Self-Help through Practical Psychotherapy SAGE ISBN 144626808X, 9781446268087 pp 300-301.Gallouj & Djellal (2011) The Handbook of unveiling and Services A Multi-disciplinary Perspective Elgar Original Reference Series Edward Elgar Publishing ISBN 1849803307, 9781849803304 750-751.Karen, Luker, Jean, Orr & Gretl, A. McHugh (2012) Health Visiting A Rediscovery John Wiley & Sons ISBN 1444335812, 9781444335811 pp 230-231.Neil, Gopee & Jo, Galloway (2013) Leadership and Management in healthcare SAGE ISBN 1446294862, 9781446294864 pp 250-251.Nigel, Crisp (2011) 24 Hours to Save the NHS The chief(prenominal) Executives Account of Reform 2000 to 2006 Oxford University ask ISBN 0199639957, 9780199639953 pp 200-201.